Expat blog changes its design!

Hi everybody,

the website will be probably a bit messy for a couple of days, as I am changing its design ... Please let us know what you think it in this topic ;)

Thanks for your patience,

Julien - busy, busy today!

Super! I love it!!

Wow, new design very different, really beautiful !

Great design, clear and aesthetic !
I look forward seeing all the expat-pictures on the home page...
And I love the new stickers on the suitcase ! :D
Good job Julien!

New year, new design !

Hope a lot of success for you !

(ps, desole, je suis nul en anglais...mais Julien, Continue !!! ( Cest asez "fort" ce que tu fais)


Thanks a lot for your comments :)

Have you noticed bugs?

Bonjour je me nomme OUATTARA EL HADJ
je voudrais toutes informations utiles permettant à un africain Ivoirien de partir vivre au canada et y travailler


el Hadj, tu devrais poser tes questions dans le forum "Living in North America" et jeter un oeil à cette page: Resources for expatriates in Canada

A bientôt,


Merci de placer vos posts aux bons endroits!

Epatant!! Fantastic. So slick. Great stuff...et tout et tout. :D


It looks great!  Keep up the excellent job you are doing.

Ciao, Ben

Do you like this new skin for the forum or do you prefer the old blue one?

By the way, you can try other skins in your profile > display if you want ;)

Sorry, much prefer the old style.

it will breack the boring :D

IS so good design..thank you so much

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