
One page of your Jordanian logbook


This topic is dedicated to all expects who live here for a short or long stay in Jordan.
People who are preparing their move to Jordan can find lots of information on the net but its hard to find personal experiences of a normal daily life. That's why I created this thread.
I want to ask you, to share one page of your personal Jordanian logbook from your daily life, it can be small and it can be big as long its a story of yours.

Not only expects but also local members I want to invite to share their pages, please do. We can get more priceless inside information how the life is here.

See also

Living in Jordan: the expat guideHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in JordanCost of living in Jordan in 2025New members of the Jordan forum, introduce yourselves here - 2025Dating a Jordanian Man- Difference in Culture?

If I write a page nobody will buy the book I am preparing regarding my stay... I am planning 3 parts. The first about living in the Capital and visiting places such as Jarash, Al Batra, Wadi Rum, Aqaba, Al Azraq, Dead Sea... and ofcourse two invitations at the Royal Stables and Championships... The second Part about my Stay at a Farm in the middle of the desert where  i met wild animals such as Fox,  Eagle,  Falcon, and near the fence a obviously lost Hyanne... In addition to a "Hudhud" next to my window in the garden and ofcourse  pictures of raising my Cat...
The third part will be about the marriage experience with pros and cons from my point of view with its differences from other parts of the world...


Today I have an appointment with my hairdresser.
Yes, she works on Fridays  :D
I am so glad that I found her because she is able to treat western hair types that is so different than the heavy and thick Arabic hair. She is an American, trained well in the USA and have tons of experiences and lives close by me so what do I need more?
I had always a bit difficulty to go to an Arabic hairdresser for many reasons.

But then hubby called. He is a tour guide and at this very moment he is in the south.
He forgot to mention there is a wedding today from his cousin  :huh:
He arranged that his brother will pick up my son to go and thanks to heaven we don't need to go. I don't like Arabic weddings and I don't want to go to a wedding from a person who I don't know.
But then a problem comes in.
He will eat mansef  and have no idea when he returns and I am at my hairdresser.
To prevent that he stands for a closed door, I ask him to call me when he is finished so then we have two options: or I am finished and back home or I have to pick him up somewhere in the family.

I hope for the first option otherwise we return late back in the evening...


Today I am so excited because I booked a flight to my home country in January.
The reason for this trip is the birthday of my father who will hopefully turn into 80. Its been five years ago when I was there for the last time. Beside celebrating I will see my family and friends and visit some places.
And of course I shall shop a lot  :D

The preparation starts today!






Yesterday was one of the really rare occasions that I get out in the evening due my personal situation.
With a couple of friends we were eating in a nice restaurant in Taj Mall.. It was such an experience.
Not only to enjoy food with friends in a fancy restaurant but to get there...

First the traffic: it was not very busy on the moment that I arrived but enough not to come close.
I mentioned a lot of people waiting at the main entrance and I was wondering for what.
Inside the mall was even more crowded then I expected and a few seconds later I saw why. In the big hall there was a huge nice decorated Christmas tree and people making photo's all the time. Not only the hall but the whole mall was attractively decorated and every where people were posing to attempt making pictures.
After we were finished and I walked outside to get home I saw one of the major traffic jams I ever experienced in Amman, The circle and all the ways who leads to the circle were blocked. Not to mention all the automobilists who were  honking  in the hope to dissolve the hold-up.
For one moment I thought I was happy to not live in that area and not to go out on Thursday night anymore.
Amman becomes to crowed and specially on the first night of the weekend.


Christmas is knocking at the door and this time I want to be prepared!
Since I live in Jordan some how I am not able anymore to plan and manage things in the way that I like, there are always things that happens unexpected or getting delayed.

Last year some sisters told me to visit me on Christmas day and as a good host, I want to give them something, a special Dutch treat that is only served during the season. So I stood four days from the early morning until late at night in the kitchen, baking and cooking (preparing our Christmas meal too and everything homemade!)
And in the end, almost for nothing... one sister came in the evening just for a cup of tea...
I was disappointed and a bit angry too, all my effort for nothing  and I decide that what ever happen, i do not take part with possible visitors anymore. If they want to come, ahlan wa sahlan, If not, then also ahlan wa sahlan.

So not to have the stress and standing for days in the kitchen, I start early.
Yesterday i baked cookies! I am glad that I did but when to decorate them? The coming days I am busy as well.
Oh well, I have plenty of time...

My question to you: are you preparing for the coming holidays and if you do, in what way?
Do you get visitors, or you going back home or other plans?

umm jacoub

Hello Prmadonna..

I am now back to teaching in school...Alhamdulillah.. and just to let you know...I now have a baby girl...6 months old. Nice that you are visiting Holland. :)


Mabrook Um Jacoub!  :up: