
Specialist Doctor salary at MOH (KSA), Riyadh Saudi Arabia


Hi friends!
I am attending the Ministry of Health (MOH) interview in the coming January ("Specialist Doctor" position in Riyadh).
Can anyone advise me regarding the average salary offered to Specialists in Riyadh? I have 5 years post-MD experience.
How far can I bargain with them :) ??


See also

Job offers in RiyadhWorking in RiyadhRiyadh's labour marketUnderstanding the work environment in RiyadhStarting a business in Saudi Arabia

Hello Kannadiga

While waiting for members to give you some advice, I invite you to browse through threads in our section Cost of living in Riyadh so as to gather some useful infos.

Kenjee Team


Thanks bro... I found the discussion useful.


Hi friends,
After attending the MOH interview last week, I've got some information on Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health pay-scales for Doctors. To the best of my knowledge, this is latest scale (January 2015) offered in India.

1. Basic Salary & Experience Allowance:
Resident/GP (MBBS)= 4000 SR Basic + 200 SR per yr of experience (count up to 15 yrs)
Senior Resident (MBBS+ Diploma) = 6450 SR Basic + 330 SR Per yr of experience (count up to 15 yrs)
Specialist (MD/MS/DNB) = 8050 SR Basic + 438 SR Per yr of experience (count up to 15 yrs)
Consultant (DM/MCh/PhD/MRCP/MRCS/FRCS or Equivalent) = 10560 SR Basic + 576 SR Per yr of experience (count up to 15 yrs)

FOREIGN DEGREE HOLDERS: USA/Canada/Europe/Japan/Australia/New Zealand/South Africa/Singapore/Korea/Malaysia
Specialist Doctor (Graduation+ Diploma) =8395 SR Basic + 506 SR Per yr of experience (Count up to 15 yrs)
Specialist Doctor (Post Grad or Equivalent) = 13350 SR Basic + 750 SR Per yr of experience (Count up to 15 yrs)
Consultant Doctor (PhD/MRCS/FRCS or Equivalent) = 22280 SR Basic + 960 SR Per yr of experience (Count up to 15 yrs)

2. Departmental Allowance: % of the monthly Salary (Basic+Experience)
    20% for those with MBBS
    25-45% for those with MD/MS/DNB.
    50%- for those with DM/MCH/PhD/Equivalent.
3. Housing Allowance: Free Family Accommodation (or 3-month salary per year)
4. Transportation Allowance: Free (or 400-800 SR per month)
5. Additional Perks: Free Medical Insurance and 45-day paid leaves per year.

Location: Depends on vacancy & the day of interview (more likely to get good cities if you attend interview on first day & in Delhi)


Hello kannadiga,
Doctre, saudi li join aadra?
Wats the final take home salary in converted Indian rupees/USD
According to the details given by you it's only 1.75 lacs INR/3000$ for specialist with 2 yrs experience.
I am a General surgeon from Bengaluru  working in Maldives and get around 3500$per month
Should I consider changing to saudi?
Help maadi plz


That's so less for being a doctor !! Negotiate more :)


What's the average take home salary in US for specialist doctor with 2 years experience?


mailsuneil wrote:

Hello kannadiga,
Doctre, saudi li join aadra?
Wats the final take home salary in converted Indian rupees.
According to the details given by you it's only 1.75 lacs INR/3000$ for specialist with 2 yrs experience.
I am a General surgeon from Bengaluru  working in Maldives and get around 3500$per month
Should I consider changing to saudi?
Help maadi plz

Hi suneil,
No, it won't be so less. I think you did not include the DA (25-45% of Basic salary). Nanna prakaara, nimage kanishta (I mean minimum) Eradu lakshada moovattu saavira kodtaare.... current exchange rate being Rs.16.49 per SAR. BTW I've not joined MOH yet, getting my documents attested for visa.
I would rather suggest you to attend interview with Saudi MOH just to get to know the exact pay. You can anyways accept or reject the offer. The most recent MOH interview schedule being
1)Chennai- 1st-3rd Feb 2015
2)Bangalore- 5th-7th Feb 2015
3)Delhi- 9th-11th Feb 2015
The pay is not so good in Maldives, I heard. You can even consider working at Ministry hospitals in Doha (Qatar) and Muscat (Oman). I've heard some disturbing stories on expat doctors' working condition in Maldives. How's your experience?


This is my 3rd year here in Maldives. I had a good time till last year. This time they have pushed me to a distant island where they lack even the basic facilities. Postings at regional hospitals are best. Worst if posted in an atoll hospital.


Hi all,
Latest update from my colleague who was working with me as medical officer in Maldives and recently moved to saudi. He is getting a total of 3lac INR equivalent pay. He has 5 years of experience post MBBS.

So are specialist doctors paid the same?  I think it will be around close to 4lacs. Final confirmation of salary is done in Saudi. So let's see....


According to the salary figures given above, a doctor with 5 years post MBBS experience cannot get a salary of 3 lakhs INR (more like 6000SR=1lakh INR).. So, does that mean negotiations are possible on the MOH salary?.. From what I have heard the MOH salary is fixed and no bargaining is possible.. True or false?..


Hi, its not possible for a medical officer (Indian degree of mbbs) to get 3lacs!!! SAR18,000 is for specialists... I'm 100% sure.... MOH Salary is not negotiable to that extent.
Your friend moved recently means how recently? Saudi MOH Interviews were pending since almost a year here in India. BTW Where did he attend interview?


Is it absolutely necessary to have hospital experience post your degree?.. What if you're running your own clinic or doing locum/free-lancing duties?.. How to prove your experience then?..


Hi, I have got MOH selection as specialist.. But the  salary offered to me as per the MOH offer letter (which is in Arabic) is less compared to what I was promised at the interview venue.. The MOH offer letter doesn't mention HRA, Transport or the extra allowance (some 1200SR) that I was originally offered.. Agency guys are telling the offer letter carries only the Basic+experience+specialty allowance for all doctors.. That all other special allowances, though not in the offer letter, will be included in the final salary.. I am not sure about that.. Please help and advice..


jinijayaram wrote:

Hi, I have got MOH selection as specialist.. But the  salary offered to me as per the MOH offer letter (which is in Arabic) is less compared to what I was promised at the interview venue.. The MOH offer letter doesn't mention HRA, Transport or the extra allowance (some 1200SR) that I was originally offered.. Agency guys are telling the offer letter carries only the Basic+experience+specialty allowance for all doctors.. That all other special allowances, though not in the offer letter, will be included in the final salary.. I am not sure about that.. Please help and advice..

Hi JJ,
The Offer letter only mentions Basic Salary & Experience allowance (per year). Transport and accommodation are mentioned as 'provided'. Even I was worried initially & later got the things clarified with my job recruiter. They calculated & told the same salary that was offered during the interview. BTW, which location did you get & you are into which specialty?
Pls do reply to the private message I've sent.


mobydick1983 wrote:

Is it absolutely necessary to have hospital experience post your degree?.. What if you're running your own clinic or doing locum/free-lancing duties?.. How to prove your experience then?..

Hi MD,
You can get a experience letter from the hospital you worked for. Your clinic letterhead & visiting card will also help.


mobydick1983 wrote:

According to the salary figures given above, a doctor with 5 years post MBBS experience cannot get a salary of 3 lakhs INR (more like 6000SR=1lakh INR).. So, does that mean negotiations are possible on the MOH salary?.. From what I have heard the MOH salary is fixed and no bargaining is possible.. True or false?..

As per my understanding, MBBS docs won't get Rs.3 lacs pm. They are mostly offered less than 10,000SAR, I had interaction with some of those candidates at the interview venue in Mumbai recently.


You can see what they offer you first then make your comparisons.


Hello Doctors,

   I'm Dr Mandar, planning to attend MOH Cardiac interviews.
Does anyone has idea about placement agencies charge after one joins the job there ?


mandar77 wrote:

Does anyone has idea about placement agencies charge after one joins the job there ?

Hi Doc; the good placement agencies don't charge the candidates, they usually get the cut from the company. Anyways just make sure about everything before something is offered !!


Thanks Salman for quick reply. I'll confirm with agencies.
Can anyone plz tell if our passport in kept by MOH or it remains with us ?
And what about the job location it remains the same as in interview in India or they can send you to other place after joining ?


mandar77 wrote:

Hello Doctors,

   I'm Dr Mandar, planning to attend MOH Cardiac interviews.
Does anyone has idea about placement agencies charge after one joins the job there ?

Hi Mandar,
I have directly asked this question to 2 Indian agencies. One said its from Rs.40,000 to 50,000. The other said Rs.25,000 to 30,000. They claim that its inclusive of first flight ticket charges... Apparently, attestation of degrees is separately charged by unrelated agencies. Ideally, the hiring company or hospital pays for everything except document attestation charges (like in Qatar pvt. hospitals recruitment). If I am not mistaken, some private hospitals in Saudi do that.
BTW, how much did you pay for Document attestation (by Home dept & MEA)?? I mean charges per document...
MOH people won't keep your passport with them. Don't give it to anyone at any point of time....


Hi Kannadiga,
    I've yet not attended the interviews this year. I was selected 2-3 yrs back  but declined the offer.
I'm in cardiac anaesthesia & planning to go this time.
R u still in india can call me 8126354555.
We can discuss in details.
My brother has been to Al Jubail for a month. He gave good information.

Dr Mandar


Hi Mandar,
How was the interview...? Keep us posted on this thread (Salary offered by MOH).
Check your PM box to contact me on whatsapp.


Hello friends,

My wife (gynecologist) and I are planning to attend MOH interviews in April. What sort of negotiation is possible for maximising salary if the two of us are going together?


Hi kannadiga, dayavittu nimma number kodi. Jim guidance bekagithu. I have just completed my MD exams


Hmmm.. I'm a bit late with reply... but the salary in KSA seems quite low compared to US. 

I asked for 750,000/yr or $200,000/yr since it comes with free housing, school for kids, transportation, and health insurance.  I have an interview coming up and I'm assuming they are interviewing me since my demand is close or in the ballpark of what they are willing to pay.  But this thread is discouraging me lol...

I'm also currently negotiating with a clinic here in US which will pay $220,000/yr base salary with bonus incentive and healthcare.  It's not customary for US companies to provide housing, transportation, and school.  The cost of living so high here, I thought $200k in KSA would go much longer and I'd end up saving most of the salary.  But if it gets below $200k, things will start looking better here.  I'd even get to be a partner in 2 years and own portion of the clinic and make more money if I stay here.  I will have to think hard about this one.

BTW, guys, there's doctor shortage in US.  And looking at the pay chart above... let's just say the last clinic I was with, a pain specialist just coming out of his residency was hired at $200k/yr and bonus.  With bonus, one would usually double the pay.  Even PA's start at $100k/yr with bonus.


What is your speciality
Seems you are a pain specialist
You might aim for more salary


Surgeons earn more than physicians universally


Hi Doctors!
i am planning to attend interview to work in saudi arabia . i am MBBS with 4 years experiance as GP. can any one tel me what salary packages they are offering?


Anywhere between 8000-12000 SAR!


thanks for the reply according to my agent they are offering 1.2  to 1.8 lakhs how much i can negotiate????


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Believe me Nisha, no one can decide the pay you get but only your CV (degrees, experience, exposure, publications, academics, etc). Agents often say salary depends on how you perform in interview... I guess its not the case. Interview is just like a screening test which you have to pass.
All recruitment agents, be it Atlas, Habsons, Goodfellow, or Delhi Manpower, & so on are one & the same in this regard. Don't believe in any of them!!


I came to Saudi Arabia as Specialist few months back. I want to share some important information which may help you.

1. PEOPLE: The people here are very helping if you ask them to help properly in descent way, respect women & respect their culture.

2. LANGUAGE: Arabic is the main language here. People living in big city also speaks English, you will only get problem if you are very unlucky.

3.POSTING: If you have promised for posting in Riyadh, it does not mean you will get posting in Riyadh city only. They may post you anywhere in Riyadh state & the place may be a very small city far from main Riyadh city even up to 500 km away or more. So better get the job offer letter mentioning the name of the hospital & place of posting before you leave your country.

4. DUTY DAYS: You might have been told by the agent about only 05 working days per week, but as specialist you will be on call also on week-ends & if you are the only specialist in the hospital then you will be on call every day, 24 hour, along with your OPD. This is especially for those specialist which are needed at emergency like surgery, medicine, orthopaedics, sometimes eye & ent also & yes anaesthesia.

5. SALARY: Salary will be given as promised at the time of Interview but it will be very late, may be anything between 2- 3 months depending on the activity of HR people in the hospital & any holiday nearby like Ramdan, Eid etc.
So you must arrange some Saudi Riyal with you for the expenses by the time you get your 1st salary. You may get the furnishing allowance or gift salary earlier if you are lucky which is half of your salary.

6.HOUSING: For initial 3-6 days housing will be provided by the hospital in a hotel or hostel which can be extended to maximum 1 wk or 10 days on much request but by that time you have to arrange some rented house by yourself, of course the colleagues already working there will help you for it. You have to pay at least 6 months rent in advance, at some places it may be 12 months. That also have to be arranged by you or your colleagues if you want to borrow money from them. Most of the houses will be unfurnished, if you are lucky you will get AC fitted house, otherwise even AC will be purchased by you along with bed, mattress, sofa, table, Fridge, Washing Machine, Water dispenser etc etc.

7. VISA for Family: It will be better to get family visa at the same time you get your visa by your agent, if you are thinking of getting family visa later that will be a tedious work.

8. When you reach here your passport only (not your family's) will be kept by the hospital administration. You cannot keep it with you.
They will give you & your family, IQAMA- resident permit, which you should keep with you, always.

9. FEES: For Iqama- 500 SAR per year, will be paid by you.
Also you have to attend some CME every year for which you have to pay.

10. MOH exam: It would be better if you give this exam from your country & pass it before leaving, otherwise you have to 1st get a BLS course here & then you have to give the MOH exam. The BLS course done in any other country is not valid here. If you don't pass the exam you will not get the "specialist allowance" which may be anything  from 15 to 50 % depending on your speciality.

11. Its better you bring SET-TOP-BOX( airtel, Sun direct, Dish TV etc) from your country especially if you are from India.

12. Last but not the least, when you reach Riyadh airport, go to the dispensary/PHC at the Airport. They will arrange for your travelling from Airport to the Doctors' Hostel in Riyadh city. Don't take taxi by your own money.

I hope these information will help you. By the way working in the KSA is good. It takes 1-2 months to get used to it. Then you enjoy it.  I am enjoying here working as specialist. Please be in contact through this forum.
Thank you.


hi samir,
im joining dammam cardiac centre (MOH) as consultant coming monday i.e on 17 th aug. i have few queries plse reply

1. They told they will pick me up from airport if they dont what should i do? where should i report?

2. Do they usually arrange some temporary accomodotion when i land there? they r giving me housing allowance not accomodoation. Should  i ask them for some allowance  when i join to arrange for my house ?

3. How much time do they take to issue iqama? they have given me 90 days of visa.

4. how much money rials should i carry to maintain for initial 2-3 months?

5. also if anybody can suggest a decent place to live in dammam/ surroundings to live with my family near to dammam medical complex.

i will be greatful  if u answer asap, thanx


1. Before you come to KSA, make sure to clear the Saudi Council Exam/SLE exam .(
2. Almost all the major airports have a health center(called "markaz sahy" in Arabic). You could contact them for       transport. They will help u out and you will be put up in a hostel. All your documents will be forwarded to the regional health directorate. It will be then decided about your actual location of the job. You 've to stay in d hostel until the representative from the hospital picks u up. Food will be provided during ur stay in d hostel.
Usually Specialists work in  hospitals( in cities if u r lucky enough/some ppl in towns)..General practitioners, more or less work in small towns and villages in a health center.
3. Iqama will be processed within 90 days for which u ve to pay 500SR (sometimes, u 've to pay more coz they say that without SLE exam u can't process the Iqama, in which cases u 've to bribe them. My friend had to pay 12oo SR. Iqama for dependents is free of cost.
4. Once u arrive at your place of work, they may provide u with accommodation for about 2 weeks and sometimes more if u haggle.
5. Note that u 'll get ur first salary at the end of 2-3 months. So, get some cash of about 10K-15K SR if u come with ur family and posted in city coz u might ve to pay housing rent in advance for 3-6 months..A reasonably good housing in Riyadh will cost u about 15K-20K per year..For Bachelors, it is easy and 5K should be enough..If U 've money constraints n if u r real lucky, u could always ask fellow Indian doctors to lend some money.
6. Expect to get ur first salary in 3 months and HRA after 6-8 months..HRA= 3 times ur basic salary.
Note:  Ur basic salary is the sum total of ur salary exp. in years
eg: U r a GP/MMBS/BDS with 3 yrs exp. then ur basic salary is 4000 (3*200)=4000 600=4600
    So, ur HRA counts upto 3*4600=13,800
Note for GPs: Dont get ur family along with u coz in all probability, u ll be posted in some 'll be tough for them to adjust to life here...U can assess once u r here and then decide..
Best wishes.



why is the reason it is told clear MOH exams for saudhi before u come to riyadh???????


It's always better if you clear it before coming, because after coming you have complete  lots of formalities ,before exam like Bls ,Data flow ,and insurance

Barry Alwin 1967

Hello. I happened to find you. I'm a doctor surgeon with extensive experience. I'm trying to get a job in Saudi Arabia.

Do you have any information on where to turn.