
Looking for a Business Partner/ Je cherche un associé ! anyone?


Bonjour ! /Hello there !

société en cours d’immatriculation on cherche un business Partner pour un projet autour de l’épicerie fine ! Si vous êtes intéresse please hit me ! Contactez moi ;):one

See also

Job offers in CasablancaWorking in CasablancaThe work culture in CasablancaDeveloping a professional network in CasablancaCasablanca's labour market

Post in English in the Anglophone forum please.

In addition, post the details of your business proposal on the forum so that members can evaluate it. We don't know a thing! Do you have an idea, and no money? Are you looking for an equal partner in investment terms? Or just a cash input?

I don't think anyone would be foolish enough to send you personal details on this scarcity of information.


:) thanks for your reply  and no one is asking for any personal information here by the way ;)
my message was mainly in french so i do not see why i would post it elsewhere :)
I'm not follish either to post my business proposal to millions of strangers :) i posted the general theme if anyone is interested we can talk in private

and yes looking for an equal partner in investement terms , no begging here !

Thanks again for taking the time to reply to " this scarcity of information" :)



my message was mainly in french so i do not see why i would post it elsewhere :)

You're on the ANGLOPHONE forum. Please take yourself elsewhere, I will happily point you on the right direction:

See ya.  :cheers:


ouups Sorry guys :D I'm leaviiiiing :D


Make it quick! Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Not a great start to the year is it? Off you go.


Not at All ! its all Fun :D cracked me up for a moment its all good and dont worry I wont let any doors hit me or anything else as a matter of fact ;) have a good night :) and good luck with your 2015 resolutions ;)


Glad there is finally someone on the forum with a sense of humour. Many of my comments have been deleted, and threads closed because they took it the wrong way, while throwing all sorts of insults. Mind you, I do admit some of these obscenities were warranted, but most won't. But that was 2014, and I've forgiven them all.

I wish you all the success possible for this year.


:) Thanks wishing you good luck as well ;) dont mind anyone stay true to yourself and always say whats in your mind :)