
Products I can't seem to get


Random question. Been looking for baking powder & Apple cider vinegar in bulk. ACV seems to not exist here & can only get the tiny baking soda tins,imported so exxy. Need it to wash my hair 😢
Anywhere I may get it?

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I was looking for baking soda - or bicarbonate soda - in bulk also.  Ended up just getting a lot of the standard small tins I could find for what I needed it for.  While I didn't look too hard, I didn't see it readily available in large amounts (kg +).

I was looking for a certain chemical a while back and had some luck going through a friend of a friend that worked at a refinery.  Was a bit of a mess but it did eventually work out.


have you tried the large supermarkets like AlOsra , lulu hyper, jeant or Carefour , they might have some of what you want


Nope I've looked.
Not sure why they don't have apple cider vinegar. Maybe because it says cider they think it's alcohol  :/


Naaah  :| , they actually sell alcohol in Alosra , so that doesnt make sence, ummmm but y not look in places where they specialise in food stuff , i'll try searching in for you and hope i find something

good luck fchaudari76 ;)

mujtaba19 … r_buy.html

just saw this post online, and it was added last septmber , and they say that its avaliable in carrefour at BCC , take a lokk Fchaudari


Managed to get BIG bottles of ACV in Al Jazira.

(PS Also been using BS and ACV to wash my hair!)


Will have a look in al jazira there's one on Budaiya highway which is close to me


if you cant find it in Budaiya branch , try asking the staff if they have in the other branches like Juffair and Zinj branch

Hope you find it in Budaiya though  :top: ( fingers crossed )


Yep, it was the Zinj branch that I managed to get the pretty massive bottle of it. Think a couple of litres.


You can easily get ACV as I use a lot and buy it all the time. You can get the organic one and the Heinz brand too. You can get it from most hypermarkets and it's usually in the organic non-perishables aisle (rice, sugar, pasta, jam and most other organics)...even the Heinz one...(I know lol). I don't know about baking soda because I bring mine from back home.

Honey Combs

Hey there!

I also use both ingredients for my hair. I have no problem finding apple cider vinegar here. I get decent size bottles from both Alosra and Lulus. I had a harder time finding larger amounts of the baking soda though for sure. I ended up getting a medium size box the one time from Lulus as well. I think sometimes it is also the luck of when you go seeing as they run out of products at both Alosra and Lulu from time to time. I shop at the Lulus in Hidd and the Alosra on Amwaj.
On a side note they have been out of Campbells Cream of Mushroom soup for months at both Lulus and Alosra and just restocked at Alosra so eventually they do bring the products you want back hehe


Haha, yeah. We tend to stock up on some things too. Couldn't find Weetabix brand Bran Flakes for months, then Al Jazira had some stock in and we bought 4 packs! You never know when you're going to be able to find it again.


I do find weetabix bran from times to times at hi mart here in sar or sometimes at 24 hours stores , as for Campbells cream i dont what that is  :P


What's the price of the ACV??? It's for washing my hair!!! Not wanting to pay loads. In Oz I paid about 1BD for 2L bottles


Don't think it's anywhere near that cheap here. But it's not too dear. Sorry I can't put a number on it!


No worries. Prob is I go through lots due to a scalp condition (psoriasis) so unless it's affordable I may as well use something else!!! + need the baking soda otherwise no point to the whole exercise of going "poo free"


I just had to quit going no-poo :( Was doing great for nearly 3 months and then my scalp decided to hate it :/ Now on the hunt for a nice SLS free shampoo. Though, going poo free was doing wonders for my hair! Just not the skin on my head.


I know right !!!!!! No poo was the best my head wasn't itchy & burny and my hair was amazing. Now I'm suffering & my hair is meh blah blugh


mujtaba19 wrote:

Naaah  :| , they actually sell alcohol in Alosra , so that doesnt make sence, ummmm but y not look in places where they specialise in food stuff , i'll try searching in for you and hope i find something

good luck fchaudari76 ;)

Are you sure that Alosra's are selling alcohol?

Please don't misinform. Alosra's are supermarkets, not alcohol shops.


ihsanozbakir wrote:
mujtaba19 wrote:

Naaah  :| , they actually sell alcohol in Alosra , so that doesnt make sence, ummmm but y not look in places where they specialise in food stuff , i'll try searching in for you and hope i find something

good luck fchaudari76 ;)

Are you sure that Alosra's are selling alcohol?

Please don't misinform. Alosra's are supermarkets, not alcohol shops.

That's true. Al Osra does not sell alcohol.


Almost all major supermarkets stock Apple Cider Vinegar. We buy it at Geant. and we have seen it at LuLu, Al Osra, and some of the other minor chains too.


Farhaz wrote:

Almost all major supermarkets stock Apple Cider Vinegar. We buy it at Geant. and we have seen it at LuLu, Al Osra, and some of the other minor chains too.

Maybe I'm blind as I went to Lulu Geant and other places and no Apple cider vinegar unless they are putting it somewhere totally random in the shop!!
With the amount I need it will probably be too expensive for me to wash my hair. I'll have to find something else that will work for me.


dear fchaudari76,

yesterday evening i happened to buy a bottle of AVC from geant. You will find it in the same section where you have other vinegar 's, 2 or 3 rows before the cold storage section i guess.


Honey Combs

I just picked some more ACV today at alosra. I think I paid BD 2+ for the bottle. I also have psoriasis so I feel your pain there. I also got some at Lulus. It's always in the section with the vinegars and oils. The brand I picked up today was Heinz but they had another brand as well.


They just gave gotten some recently as I looked through all the vinegars in both those places a few weeks ago and nothing.