
Looking for someone in medical field for partner in Medical Tourism


I have in process of writing a business plan for a medical tourism company using doctors and dentists in Mexico, Panama and Costa Rica, marketing in the USA, specializing in dental and cosmetic work.  Eventually want to expand procedures and possibly countries..  i have my own funds and a 2nd partner, an attorney in Panama City.  In need of 3rd with a medical background to serve as consultant and inspector for potential new doctors, dentists, facilities. Start up portion of investment expected to be low but figure not arrived at yet.  If interested or more questions please contact.  Thanks.

See also

Setting up a business in PanamaPanama's labor marketFind a job in PanamaWork in Panama Cityworking in panama while waiting for a permit

Hello nichrocks and welcome to

Your advert will be better seen if placed in the appropriate section of the site : Business partners classifieds in Panama

Kenjee Team


I would like to partner with you,,,,,, am a medical clinical officer


Are you still looking?  I have been a clinical pharmacist for over 25 years. My husband and I are presently in Panama until August 12 getting banking etc. done.  We live in the States presently and plan to go back and forth to Panama.  My husband ( an attorney) is presently entertaining some business dealing here and my thought was Medical Tourism.  I would love to speak with you.
Where do you presently live?


I see this is a year old. Are you still looking?


I was a Canadian Forces Army Medic for 22 years... Do you still need a consultant?