New members of the Ecuador forum, introduce yourself here - 1st quarter of 2015

Spent over a year in Vilcabamba.  Just left this month.  Now on coast.  Let me know if you want to talk about it.  Skype best.
62 young years

What is the weather temperature range there?

Been here a year and a half, Julie.  May have some insights helpful to you.  Familiar w Loja, Going to be in Bahia de C soon.  Am an hour north of Bahia now, no big problems with bugs.
Loja has  very few gringos and is kind of zooey.  Something to be aware of if you do not speak much Spanish.

For Cuenca connection: get on GringoTree and GringoPost.   Ads/forums/info.
For Vilcabamba, go to Facebook and look up the Vilcabamba groups.  Sift through the plentiful drama in those to get to news and event postings.

Malacatos is very nice, especially if you speak some Spanish!   Close to Vilcabamba and its natural charms, and far enough away, too!

Hello to all
My name is William and my wife is Dawn. We are retired and want to move to Ecuador. We have a monthly income of 2800.00. I am a disabled veteran. We are looking for a SAFE place to live. We are very simple people. We just want to live in peace but live comfortable. We are so tired of living in the US. As our dollar keeps dropping and inflation keeps risen. I Served my country and I dese better. So I am not crying about it I am going to make my dream retirement.
William and Dawn


You would need a residency visa to live in Ecuador. The first and biggest hurdle.

Start here:

Notice that the official Ecuador website is slow to load, if it decides to load at all. Also note that many parts of the website sprinkle a lot of Spanish in with the 'English' pages. Also note that visa requirements change frequently and that these changes are often not included in their visa information page.

A pensioners visa is 9- I if that's what you're looking for.

Hi Carlo,

my skype id is shayandeb
I am searching a job in Guayaquil. if you can help me, please ring me in skype.

Thanking You

Poppylon wrote:

Hello to all
My name is William and my wife is Dawn. We are retired and want to move to Ecuador. We have a monthly income of 2800.00. I am a disabled veteran. We are looking for a SAFE place to live. We are very simple people. We just want to live in peace but live comfortable. We are so tired of living in the US. As our dollar keeps dropping and inflation keeps risen. I Served my country and I dese better. So I am not crying about it I am going to make my dream retirement.
William and Dawn

Ecuador uses the USA dollar and there is also inflation in Ecuador.
Simple and safe should be easy enough to find.

Thanks for the info. I forgot to mention in 1st post we want warm weather year round. Is that possible.

How would I find someone that can help us through the process from A-Z

Poppylon wrote:

Thanks for the info. I forgot to mention in 1st post we want warm weather year round. Is that possible.

How would I find someone that can help us through the process from A-Z

Warm year round = living on the coast.
Check another thread for lawyers to be found depending on your location.

Yu telling me that I have to get a lawyer to get a list of the things I must do to move to Ecuador?

Just landed in Canoa.  Let me know if you want to talk about it.  Skype best, but am not aware of protocol here for contact info exchange.

Hi!  I live in the Panhandle of Florida but want to live somewhere where its warmer all year :)  I'm 58 and would like to retire at 62.  I've been looking at different countries in South America.   But found Equador or Peru interesting.  I can read spanish but don,t speak it very well though I believe I could learn it.   I don't really want to live in a big city.

[moderated: no ad on the forum please]

Hello all,
My name is Betsy and I live in Nashville, Tn. My  husband and I have made one trip to Ecuador. We drove up the coast to find an area that we liked. We are looking to have a footprint in Ecuador. We fell in love with the San Clemente area. I joined this forum to hear what others have experienced on their path to Ecuador. Glad to be here.

Hi Betsy, nice to talk to someone who is planning to settle in Ecuador. We have not visited there yet but are planning to soon. We are Canadians and are looking for someplace warmer to retire. Our old bones has had enough of the Canadian winters. If you wish, please contact me direct at
Regards Juliet and Rinke.

Ouch!!  I'd try a couple week vacation and tour the country first before jumping in all the way.  You can get on a bus and be driven around quite cheaply.  Stay in some 'airBnb' places or hostels and you'll get a feel for what you really want and like.

Hola.  My name is Paul.  I am a new member of the Ecuador Forum AND the, and am happy to have found it.  I have lived in Orlando, Florida, USA for the past 36 years.  I'm now retired and looking for my next life adventure.  I have researched many countries over the past 3 years, and have narrowed my search down to Ecuador.  I visited Guayaquil, Cuenca and Salinas last year and will take my next trip to Ecuador in October when I plan to stay for the whole month to visit Quito, Manta and Salinas again.  I'm looking forward to meeting as many of you as I can to learn more about the Ecuador culture.

Hi everyone,

My husband Randy and I moved to Quito about a year ago, he is from Texas and I was born in NY however I have roots in Ecuador as my parents are originally from Cuenca & Riobamba. Our plan was to come to Ecuador and enjoy a few years being close to my parents,  extensive family  and move back to Texas where we have our home, however last week we went to visit some friends in Bahia and drove through la Ruta del Sol, stopping in every little town with breath taking views of undeveloped beaches and we came across this unique project called  Las Olas Ecuador located only 10 minutes from Bahia and about  an hour from Manta.  (moderated: off topic)

berenicehutton wrote:

Hi everyone,

My husband Randy and I moved to Quito about a year ago, he is from Texas and I was born in NY however I have roots in Ecuador as my parents are originally from Cuenca & Riobamba. Our plan was to come to Ecuador and enjoy a few years being close to my parents,  extensive family  and move back to Texas where we have our home, however last week we went to visit some friends in Bahia and drove through la Ruta del Sol, stopping in every little town with breath taking views of undeveloped beaches and we came across this unique project called  Las Olas Ecuador located only 10 minutes from Bahia and about  an hour from Manta.  (moderated: off topic)

Other threads on here will let you in on the uniqueness of Las Olas


My significant other and I are contemplating a move to the Caribbean or Latin America. He has 15+ years as a Math teacher at the Middle School and High School Level teaching all mathematics disciplines..  He is the head coach of the Speech, Debate and drama team, and also coaches tennis. I am a former career claims adjuster and restaurant owner. Both of us are native born Montanans. I have previously spent time over the past several years in the Dominican Republic, (that is also a consideration as well).

While the kids might be grown and on their own, we are still looking to work a few more years. Mark has a wonderful rapport with his students both past and present and would like to teach a few more years. We are ready to start a new chapter in our lives and are looking for more adventures. We embrace other cultures, and look forward to further enriching our lives. A teaching job would be great.... :)

Thank you for having us and we look forward to getting to now all of you.


We are a couple in our 40s and planning for early retirement
We would like to buy a house and possibly business in ecuador
Any suggestions are welcome
ps we are looking for a good real estate agent in quito

I've been living in Quito for four years. I am originally from Palm Beach County Florida. I have also lived in Panama, Uruguay, Austria, Morocco. I just can't stop traveling!  Hello to my friend the factotum!


I have a couple of friends that have been in the business for quite sometime and know Quito very well.  They are bilingual let me know if you are interested, I can introduce you via email.

Can u put me in touch with them?
I am arriving to quito tomorrow

bklyn12 wrote:

We are a couple in our 40s and planning for early retirement
We would like to buy a house and possibly business in ecuador
Any suggestions are welcome.

I do have a suggestion:  don't buy property in Ecuador until you have lived in the target area for at least a year.  I consider this the #1 rule for arriving Expats.

Kindly move your ongoing discussion to PM (Private Messaging) or a new thread so as not to annoy the Home Office in the Mascarene Islands.  They prefer that this thread be reserved for the introduction of new members only.  The long cyclone season in the Indian Ocean (Jan.-March) technically ends tonight, and they'll need to take a deep breath and relax a bit without dealing with additional oversight issues.

cccmedia in Quito

Oooops sorry,  I´m new to this site.   Will do, thanks for letting us know.


We are also considering moving to Ecuador from Canada (Ottawa). We are a family of four (two kiddos aged 9 mo and 3) and are looking at the Bahia/Canoa area! When are you considering moving? Nice to see other Canadians considering moving abroad!



I invite you to follow this topic on this new thread:

