
We are contemplating a job assignment in Australia

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I'm an American expat wife presently living in Shanghai China with my husband, 2 kids, 2 dogs, and 2 cats.  We are contemplating a job assignment in Australia but are really struggling with schools.  Our kids are used to a US curriculem in an International School and will have to return to it in 2 years.  My son also has some learning disabilities that require some adjustments to a traditional classroom.

I am also worried about our animals as it looks like China is on the non-approved list and they would need to go through many processes and quarantines before joining us in Oz. 

And ofcourse I'm terrified of driving on the opposite side of the road (from China and US), after not driving for over 2 years here in China. 

Any other Americans make this transition?  Recommendations for schools that are more in line with US curriculum?  and school year calendar?  Again we are used to be in the USA for summer (our summer June, July, August) to visit family and friends...with Australian terms our holidays would no longer align with family in states.  So many things to consider and looking for positive information on moving to Melbourne area. 

We've visited Melbourne and actually loved the area, but its different when you are a visiting tourist and a permanent resident.  So many things to consider on making a move. 
Thanks Dawn

See also

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Gordon Barlow

Dawn - have you checked online (Google) or with the US Embassy there? Surely your husband's prospective employers would know something about schooling, unless your man is the first American they're ever hired. I've been away from Oz too long to have any useful information, but I would say that there wouldn't be MANY more American schools in Oz than there are Australian or British schools in the USA! Much depends on where the job would be. Melbourne might have one, though.

Good luck.



Contact US embassy in Canberra. I Googled 'are there american schools in australia? ' and the Embassy came up first on the list with a couple of websites.

Good luck.


No not yes...I'll go to the US Embassy site now.  We will have a relo firm helping us with many of these things, but before we make any commitments I wanted to get a good overview and be as knowledgable as I could.  Looking for other Americans who have patriated to Oz and had a good experience in Melbourne area with schools (with like-minded philosophies).  Grade differences etc... thanks so much.


Hi Dawn and welcome to :)

I have created a new thread with your post on the Australia forum for more visibility and for a better interaction with the other members.

Here you will be able to talk freely to other members. ;)



Articles to help you in your expat project in Australia

All of Australia's guide articles