
looking for job


Hello everyone,

I'm planing to come back to my country, and I'm looking forward to find a job in Casablanca as a spanish teacher, I have experience.

If somebody knows any school were they are looking for a spanish teacher, contacte with me please.

Thank you so much

See also

Job offers in CasablancaWorking in CasablancaThe work culture in CasablancaDeveloping a professional network in CasablancaCasablanca's labour market

I am Canadian looking to move to Morocco - but I need to find work before going. Can anybody please share with me how I go about looking for work ? I will go to any city - I am a social worker by profession but I do not know arabic. It doesn't have to be a social worker job .....HELP !!!


tetleyt wrote:

I am Canadian looking to move to Morocco - but I need to find work before going. Can anybody please share with me how I go about looking for work ? I will go to any city - I am a social worker by profession but I do not know arabic. It doesn't have to be a social worker job .....HELP !!!

If you don't know Arabic and don't have Moroccan nationality, the chances of your getting any sort of decent job are just about zero. There is a law of national preference in Morocco which states that no foreigner can be offered work unless there is no suitably-qualified Moroccan IN THE WHOLE OF MOROCCO who could do that job instead. The process is controlled by a Quango called the ANAPEC which is the only body certified to allow foreigners to work.

If you have TEFL, you might get a job teaching spoilt brats English in private language schools as these places can demonstrate to the ANAPEC a need for native speakers.

If, by some miracle, you find work before you go, try to make sure it's with a foreign company; Moroccan ones have a record of ripping foreigners off unless they are large societies themselves. Whoever makes you a job offer, require that the ANAPEC certification be sent to you and that a contract is sent too, detailing wages and conditions before you leave Canada. NEVER accept bonuses as part of your work, they will not materialise. Insist on any putative "bonus" being integrated into your salary.

Good luck.



You can start getting in touch for instance with english speaking call centres such as Dell, HP and others their pay is higher than french speaking call centre.

Regarding working in Morocco you will have no problems given the fact that French nationals, Europeans  and other african nationals can come settle and work in Morocco, as long as you have a job offer with a company in Morocco.

An other questions feel free to ask.

Good luck.


logiccity wrote:


You can start getting in touch for instance with english speaking call centres such as Dell, HP and others their pay is higher than french speaking call centre.

Regarding working in Morocco you will have no problems given the fact that French nationals, Europeans  and other african nationals can come settle and work in Morocco, as long as you have a job offer with a company in Morocco.

An other questions feel free to ask.

Good luck.

To the Canadian citizen, please don't imagine that you are going to sail into a job, even in a call centre. Thousands of unemployed Moroccans speak good English and they'll be ahead of you in the queue.


About job,  I think the best way will be is to create your own job I mean your own business !
Of course everything is possible you can get a job, keep looking and ask !
Best regards.
