
Work in Malta?

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Morning everyone,
I'm a french developer and I wish to relocate myself and to work in Malta. Someone has an idea about a place to work in Malta?
I have choose Malta because it is marvelous and I suppose that I could find a job there (the Igaming industry is highly developing?)
Thanks everyone :)

Baptiste Corrick

you are true! The Igaming is increasing really fast and they hire a lot of developer!
If you want to relocate yourself do not hesitate it is the right time to do it!
At last, if you have some IT skills you will find a job easily :)


What are you meaning by "IT skills"?! And do you know which place is the best one in Malta for this particular kind of job? Thanks :)

Baptiste Corrick

Well if you know how to code, how to use Photoshop, even if you are computer scientist or engineer there is a lot of work in Malta for you!!!! And if you have experience in the Gaming industry (like casino) you will be hire really soon ;)


Oh cool!!!
So I just had to send my CV everywhere???

Baptiste Corrick

No it will be useless, because they are all using some recruitment companies to hire!
So you shall send your CV to these recruitment companies :) the best is Betting connections. They are really fast, reliable and they have a looooooooot of partnership in Europe! It is the best known in Malta, because they have a lot of job offers, and not just in Igaming but in Marketing, Customer, Translator, sales... too!
Then you can still ask the others recruitment companies like Konnect, Pentasia and Igaming Elite but one of my friend has contact them and he said that they were really pitiful...


Betting Connections? could you give me their website?
It looks really nice! Do you know how I am supposed to do to apply with them?

Baptiste Corrick

You just had to send your CV at! their website is . You send your CV and then they will answer you soon, like 24 hours, and then they will offers you some jobs according to your experience, your special skills... They have a lot of offers for different sectors in a lot of countries in Europe!
The huge problem if you want to relocate yourself is that you have to be fluent in English, but normally it is ok ;)


It looks really fast!!
Do not worry i'm fluent! And if I am fluent in an other language in addition to English is it really good?
Thanks for your fast answers Bapt :)

Baptiste Corrick

If you have an impressive CV with a lot of experience, like senior developer or anything else it will be even more fast!!! My friend has got an answer 1 hours ago and they found him a job the tomorrow!!!! If you want I can ask him the email adress of his consultant in BC :)
If you know an others language in addition of English, it is the JACKPOOOOT for you!!! If you know German for example they can find you some awesome job in Portugal, Malta, UK, Ireland... Seriously it is really an awesome company.
At last, you always have the possibility to refuse a job and they will contact you if they have an other offers fitting to your skills.
The easier way is to go on their website, go in the job search and have a looks on the jobs offered :)


All right I will do it!!!
Yes send me his email, it shall be really useful if he is fast and nice :)
Thanks Bapt :D

Baptiste Corrick

His email adress is :
just send him your CV and he will keep you in touch :)
No prob Alexandra it is normal ;)
Tell me when you have an answer!! :)


Thank you so muuuuch Baptiste!!! He has answer me 10 min ago!
You were right it is really cool! :D

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