Looking for expats in Belize to profile for IL magazine

Hi all,

I'm a correspondent for International Living magazine looking for some retired expats to profile. I'm just looking for basic info: what you did previously, how you spend your time now, a description of where you live now and what you like most about your new life. The “interview” can all be handled via email (mine is clites.john[at]gmail.com).

Also, I'm always looking for expat business owners to profile. This could be a great opportunity for you to advertise a business that you'd like to sell - for free! (Note: Should be a going concern for at least 2 years.)

Feel free to share this message with anyone you know who might be interested.

Many thanks, and best wishes for a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2015 – wherever you may be.

internationalliving.com/communit … -1548.html

You want to talk to Belize business expats Michelle and Scott Lyons:
Just message them on Facebook. I just got back from staying at their property. They work as a family (with a daughter) to progress their small businesses and really made my stay incredible integrated as a local instead of a tourist.


Lisa May

Thanks Lisa May! I will definitely contact them.

Good! They really know the rhythm of the island and how it's progressing.

I just now sent a message to Michelle. Thanks again! International Living is very interested in Belize, so anyone reading this post, please feel free to contact me or to pass this request along. My personal email is: clites.john@gmail.com.

PS Belize is a beautiful place. I spent a couple weeks there years ago, including a week on Glover's Reef.

Hello JRClites,

You can also post an ad in the Looking for testimonies in Belize section to spread the word better amongst the other members.

Expat.com Team


I'm on my way back in a few weeks!

Don't know what kind of person you like to profile. The following is my "story":
I fellow International Living. It provided me a lot of information for me to prepare for my retirement.
Back in 2013, I was laid off from my job just 2 weeks from my Belize vacation. I went for my Belize vacation anyway. I would not let the bad news border me and take me away from enjoying life. I really like Belize. I ended up buying in Tarpon Cove Estate, 4 mile lagoon, Corozal. What is interesting about Tarpon Cove Estate is that one of the condo in the gated community was featured in 2010 HGTV House Hunter International and there is another house which also was featured in some HGTV TV series.
Took me 1 year to get the house up. The CBA approval took too long. My house, I call it the HAPPY house is up 2014 Nov. It is my vacation / future retirement home in Belize. I choose 4 mile lagoon because it is the best of many world. It has a boat dock and boat launch (the lagoon leads to the sea). It is close to the Mexican border, Chetumal. I can take the taxi-bus just out side my house to Corozal Town for $1 US. The sunrise over the lagoon is amazing. The reason why the gated community is call Tarpons Cove Estate is that there are a lot of Tarpons in 4 mile lagoon.
I bought a travel van (I call it my HAPPY bus) to travel around from another Expat from Canada.
December 2014, I got my first renter. And then my second renter rented January 2015. My third renter rented a week in Feb. 2015. Now I need to enjoy my HAPPY house and I am going to Belize again in March 2015.
Having a HAPPY house and a HAPPY bus in Belize, this trip, I am looking for the "HAPPY boat". I have done some research and narrowed down to buy a local boat or ship it from Texas.
Having been to Belize so many times, I am also planning to check out the real estate in Cayo. I am also looking for my second vacation / retirement property in Belize. This time, I am going to be my own contractors. HAPPY house II is going to be a small cabana with thatched roof or a bamboo house.
Life is GREAT in Belize. I try to go whenever I can. For now the HAPPY house, is my vacation home. I will retire in Belize.
My background:
I am from Calgary, Canada, an accountant, a MBA, a project manager and a consultant. I teach project management and taught business courses. Being in Calgary (an oil and gas town in Canada), Canada, with low oil price and low Canadian $, I am not ready to retire in Belize now. But I have my HAPPY house waiting for me when I am ready. I go to my HAPPY house whenever I want to relax.
Pictures of the HAPPY house:
Pictures of the HAPPY house (facebook.com/HAPPYhouseBelize/photos_stream?tab=photos_albums)
Let me know if you are interested in writing about Belize. I have done a lot of research and can give you the Canadian perspective.
Kenneth Fung
e-mail: ken.s.fung@gmail.com
Phone: 14032863978

So wonderful to hear all of the happy Belize stories!  Very inspiring.  My husband and I moving to Gales Point in May and all of these happy stories are just reinforcing our decision.  Lots of moments of Yeahness!

Yes... Lots of Yeahness!!!!..
4 Mile Lagoon (North) and Gales Point (South): Inland water. Do all the water activities without the heavy wind, rain and storm.
Calgary, Canada (North) and Boulder, Colorado, USA (South): GREAT skiing. I can ski and snorkel in the same week.
Good that you are going to be full time in Belize. :-)
I can not. I still have to teach a day here and there to finance all my interests. :-(
Have a GREAT time in Belize. Will be going there in March and June.
Kenneth Fung

Hello JR!
We are a couple retiring/relocating to Belize in the next few years. We have just recently bought a piece of property off the Hummingbird Highway, about 1/2 way up. It is all natural jungle, has several small streams, lots of scenic views, and a few fruit trees. We are about 25 miles from the coast, which is close enough for us to fish, etc., without being on a caye or the mainland coast. We will build our home there in a few years.
We currently live in Birmingham, AL. I am a physician and my wife is a homemaker/mother/jack-of-all-trades/boss.
We are looking for (and have found!):
Less government intrusion into our everyday lives.
A lower cost of living and essentially no taxes.
A laid-back, relaxed life-style, where we have more personal freedom
A country that is 'underpopulated', but with natural beauty and resources
We have spent some time visiting the Mayan sites, which we will continue to do, and may assist in some 'digs'. We also will fish, kayak, and snorkel, as well as grow some of our own food, hike, explore, have our own horses, and enjoy the beauty of Belize.

Hi Ken
was great to read about your experiences.. My husband and I have always wanted to move to Belize to retire, and have been researching it for a while (more so lately) we plan to visit sometime this year. We are not sure if we will buy property straight away or rent until we know the area better and the buy....We too live in Canada,Kelowna BC which as you know has beautiful summers but still snow in the winter.....Any tips you can give us would be helpful

thanks Carolyn and Neil

Please consider doing a long-term rent before you buy.  That way you will have a chance to feel confident that you've found the perfect spot for you.  I know several people who are so discouraged about not waiting to "be sure!"

thanks thats what I thought. how is the rental market there?

I,live in San Pedro, which is growing like crazy, so rents are increasing with progress.  Typically, you can find anything from $650/ mo to $3500/mo here.  It really depends on your budget and your needs.