
I'm looking to relocate to Germany


I am really wanting to move to Germany but am having trouble moving over - does anyone now of any agencies who can help with finding me a job where they also help with relocation?

I have over 10 years experience working in Customer Service/Administration/Finance, and recently Berlitz showed an interest in hiring me but sadly I need to move to Dusseldorf first.

Any kind of info'/guidance would be great.


See also

Job offers in GermanyFinding work in GermanySetting up a business in GermanySummer jobs in GermanyObtaining professional recognition in Germany

What troubles do you have to move to Germany?
Headhunting agencies advertise their jobs in the same places as employers directly (Stepstone is currently a leading site), only for very senior positions do they work through connections and recommendations (and these are very industry-specific).
German employers usually pay for relocation within Germany, and for foreign hires they may offer an equivalent amount as subsidy for your move. Of course you can try to negotiate for more, but this obviously depends on how good you are and how urgently they need you.


Thanks for your reply  :)

It's the initial finding a job and moving over I'm having trouble with, it's very expensive to move over without work etc.

I was hoping to find a way over where I can relocate and move jobs at the same time without having to move over first and then find a job.


Well, yes, while it's definitely easier to find an employer willing to hire you when you're already in the country, it isn't impossible to find one before coming. It may just take longer or be more frustrating from afar, but you may also be lucky. You never know before you try!
Or you reduce cost by "moving" lightly (a suitcase might be enough), live in temporary accommodation while searching for a job and only relocate all your stuff after the employment part is settled.
I hope you speak (at least some) German, as job chances without language skills are rare.


jolanda.b wrote:

I am really wanting to move to Germany but am having trouble moving over - does anyone now of any agencies who can help with finding me a job where they also help with relocation?

I have over 10 years experience working in Customer Service/Administration/Finance, and recently Berlitz showed an interest in hiring me but sadly I need to move to Dusseldorf first.

Any kind of info'/guidance would be great.


Hi Jolanda,
Job agencies who actively search for you (like in Britain) are pretty much unknown in Germany. There are agencies you can register you CV with, but they are rather passiv (nevertheless, it can't harm to register, you might get lucky....). As a job seeker you have to do a lot more and initiate everything yourself. I must say, that I found UK agencies very useful and wish Germany had such a system. It does support a more dynamic labour market and makes it a lot easier to get a new job.

Stepstone, as beppi suggested, is the most comprehensive job search site and I know (and successfully used).  The EURES website ( offers internationally posted jobs.
Good luck!


Hi Jolanda. I can probably help You. Do You speak German? I do know a company who may help You with an English speaking Position and help with relocation too. If interested please private Message me 😊


I guess, it shouldn't be a problem to find a place, once you've signed a contract with any company, it's really easy to find an accommodation, but it maybe hard to rent a place before you have a contract with a company, again you have to be specific of what is it that you need to do, do you have a job already or you are thinking of looking for one! or do you want to take the opportunity the company you've mentioned offered you! maybe I can be of a help to you.


Why is it that you want to come to Germany? Do you speak German? Your profile mentions a degree in photography, yet your work experience is customer service. This sounds good experience wise but not so strong academically. If you really want to get to Germany, then what is wrong with the Berlitz possibility in Düsseldorf? Düsseldorf is a happening city, so maybe you should make the move with few things and see how it goes first. If things work out, you could then find more permanent accommodation and consider moving any furniture or additional things.


Hi,Jolanda,I work for the US Military here in Germany, if you apply for certain jobs on USA.GOV they will pay for your relocation too Germany..Like DODDS teaching positions or Mgr postions with DECA...Then later you can work in Dusseldorf once you get over here..Good Luck in your Move,Dwight


I´d suggest making an easy start just coming over with a suitecase, staying at a hostel or hotel and finding a job and the place you would like to live at.
Rather rare that you find a job where they will help you with relocating.

Good luck!