
looking for cheap hotels in hk


hi there! im danial. i will be travelling to hong kong this may for a week and im still searching for a place to stay. any suggestion? cheap/budget hotels would be nice. thank you  :top:

See also

Real estate listingsBuying a property in Hong KongAccommodation in Hong KongRental Apartment HuntingLooking for flatmates

danialashraff wrote:

hi there! im danial. i will be travelling to hong kong this may for a week and im still searching for a place to stay. any suggestion? cheap/budget hotels would be nice. thank you  :top:

Just Google "budget hotels hong kong "


Did you try ? :

You can search by price and pick something for you.

There also you can read reviews others who have been there before you.
Good luck!


Cheap hotels are offered at any China Travel Services. You can go to any of the service counters and offered much lower that any online sites.

Notmal 4 star hotel would cost you 1800-2500 per night but learning the ins and out of hk has given me, my friends a very competitive rates whenever they travel or if i would stay for more than a week.
One hotel in central was offered to me at 40% off because of the China Travel Services. You can try it next time...