
Top 5 tips to live in Saudi Arabia


When you are going to live abroad, you may have a lot of questions. Hence to facilitate you in this process, we are inviting expats to share their top 5 tips with regards to settling and living in Saudi Arabia.

What recommendations would you give soon-to-be expats in Saudi Arabia?

How should they prepare efficiently for their expatriation project and settling in?

Please share with us your best advice for a successful expatriation in Saudi Arabia!

Thank you in advance :)

See also

Living in Saudi Arabia: the expat guideUnsettled phone bills for exit visaQVP processing timeFamily resident visa requirement for indian in 2025 MarchPsychiatrist would like to seek your help and advice

My personal top 5 advices are;

If you want to live exactly the same way you are accustomed to and have the same food, brands, life style at the new country…then stay home and dont waste your time traveling

Remember, that what you call “Normal” could be not for others and vice versa

Meet the locals  and other expats and don’t mix only with your fellow-countrymen

Leave your complexes and attitude at home…nobody likes spoiled brat kids. You are not better or smarter than the locals, maybe different but not better

You live in some countries as an expat for the extra income and in others for the experience. Very few countries offer a mix of the two.

Full Monty

1. Bring some things you might enjoy doing, the entertainment here isn't very engaging.
2. The KSA brings out the crazy in some people, don't mix with them and do not become them.
3. As sincere as people seem, they might actually be lying through their back teeth.
4. Some here are entitled, egotistical, racist, sexist, ignorant wastes of space. Many are not, so try to differentiate between the two.
5. You can earn a decent salary here and also enjoy yourself, but both take a lot of work.


1. mix with the locals
2. mix with the locals
3. mix with the locals
4. mix with the locals
5. mix with the locals


Saudi Arabia is the most peaceful country in the world less crime, you will be confident when you leave something outside like your car, you will not see any gun on any establishment holds by a security guard or even police unlike most of the countries you will see gun on every establishment holds by a security guard and police everywhere.
Alcohol liquor or wine is strictly prohibited. You can't buy their law, they had implemented the law of GOD. They had valued so much the reputation of ladies in the public so you shouldn't wear indecent clothing, don't ever go with a lady on the public if you not married. cover you hair as what virgin Mary did. Civil punishment have shown on the public for those who committed crime so that when you saw this punishment you will never follow or do the same, the result will be peace because there is a law that will always remind you when ever you think something bad or evil deed. But keep remember that in every society or group of people in the world there is always a black sheep. The best thing that you can get in this country is to learn their religion because everything you can earn materially are all temporary in this world, you can't keep them with you forever surely you can't escape death you will never know when it will come to you.


PORK meat is strictly prohibited because pig animal is uncleaned, this animal is eating everything, its    
feces, other animal feces like scavenger and the digestion process took only within four(4) hours so in can't element toxin and this toxin will stay its fat and it has trikina worm that can stay in the heat up to 100 degree so even you cook will not die. when these toxin get in your body you will get various diseases.


You can get just about everything you know, if coming from North America, but not necessarily the best quality level.
Bring a good vacuum cleaner. Dust is everywhere and then there are the dust storms!
Don't be afraid. You are safe, but as a woman you need to be mindful of the regulations regarding interactions with men outside your family in public places.
Don't listen to the moving company about Christmas and Easter decorations. People bring them and there are no ramifications. As long as you are not selling anything or promoting any other religion... Many people bring their things.
Don't listen to the western media and keep an open mind. An abaya can be freeing - I can go grocery shopping in my PJs!
Be prepared to be appreciated and looked down upon, all in one glance. Your are the foreign hire. You have been brought here to work.
The truth you hear may be open to interpretaion. It might be the truth that is perceived as the best for you to hear!
Keep an open mind and do leave the country for short holidays as often as possible. This will never be home, if ou are a foreigner.


5 tips for moving to Saudi....

1. Know you intention. 
Knowing your intentions will help you make peace with your move no matter what happens.  If your are  only moving for the great pay; when your employer puts you to live on the worst compound ever, it won't matter as much because you're not there of the housing.  If you are moving for the experience the, then whatever happens (good, bad and ugly), will be part of that experience.

2. Understand the culture.
Know that it is a Muslim country. So Islamic law rules.  Store close for the prayer. Malls don't allow single men during perk hours . Etc.

If you are osd the Saudi dust will be your worst nightmare. Forget cleaning.


Follow and respect traditions and culture however strange they may be. After all, this is their country that we are just visiting to make a living. If we can not follow, better to stay out!


1. Have no expectations, NONE.
2. Know whete you are moving, have a clue what life is like here ans how you are expected to live. are entitled to nothing, most people who move here are running from or to something, they get here and think they are rich, it brings out the worst in some people and the best in others, you true character will be shown to most very quickly. will not hang out with the Saudis, they don't want to hang with you. There is no assimilation here, none.
5.saudi yell at each other regularly. Thus is their way, they are always in a hurry to get nowhere.

Russell Adam

Bring or buy a great home entertainment system

Don't expect to be paid on time, but do expect to be paid

Learn some basic Arabic phrases, they go a long way

Barbican Malt and Moussy Original are great non-alcoholic beers

Join a gym or try and find some kind of hobby, even if it is walking around a mall or even baking, plenty of yeast and other baking goods are readily available at supermarkets


1. Be ready to accept other people's choices in what they believe in,  how they live their lives, and the values they hold, no matter how different they are to yours or how much you are confronted by them.

2. Be ready to discover the countless number ways that people from a vastly different culture to yours are similar to people you know back home. Their harder to spot than the differences, because we're so accustomed to them. But look and you'll discover that it's not hard to connect, bond and have a laugh with people you hardly know.

3. Learn what a yogic breath is. It'll come in handy in all kinds of ways. Not least of all when you're learning to embrace the heat, when you have to work with  Saudi time, or when you missed the shop bc of prayers.

4. Download and install the free, open-source software Anki, and teach yourself the Arabic alphabet using Muna Osman's superb deck.  Anyone can do it. You'll be able to read everything around you (phonetically at least) instead of feeling overwhelmed and alien.

5. Don't pay heed to negativity and pessimism. Be positive and optimistic and determined to make the most of your time here.

Russell Adam

Definitely don't bother with the alphabet unless you plan to spend the rest of your life here

Learn to keep your opinions to yourself and smile

Talk to the Saudis about football and east Asian immigrant workers about cricket

Make sure you have good air conditioning

Bring a massive book, like War and Peace

Learn to embrace paradoxes


5. Learn Arabic.
4. Knew your city
3.get a car.... Asap.
2. Don't be married.
1. Don't be a woman.


My Five top Tips are:

1. Patience, Patience, Patience! Settling in requires time, especially in Saudi Arabia. Give yourself a chance, and you will most probably find that everything falls into place the way you intended.

2. If you can issue an international drivers license before coming to KSA, it would be of great use. Renting cars is really cheap vs. using Taxis which are the only form of transportation. It'll also take you a bit of time to issue your Saudi Driver's License, so the international one would be useful till you issue it.

4. If you will be provided with your own housing allowance, do an extensive house hunting campaign before choosing your new home. What is presented before you immediately upon starting your search will probably not be the best or most suitable option.

5. If you can live as close as possible to your place of employment, do so, as you can save loads of commute time that can be allocated to other useful activities; like going to the gym, spending more time with your family, studying, etc. This would be especially useful if you are going to be working in Jeddah or Riyadh.


My top tips are

1. Don't live with the people you work with the community is too small already.
2. Take the driving with a pinch of salt, yes that whole car length was worth cutting across 4 lanes and back for.
3. Avoid any other expats who moan about the place at all costs - it's contagious and if they really had better places to be they'd be there.
4. As with the earlier comment - unless they grew up here most are running away from something.
5. Basic rule

3 years for need
3 years for greed
any more and you've probably lost your ability to work anywhere else.


1. know what is the difference between 'leave out'  and 'accommodated'
2. love veggies
3. no matter how low prices of goods could be, if you don't need it, don't buy it
4. handle streets defensively
5. dehydrate


1. Live close to your work (I live within easy walking distance so no car = no expense or risk)
2. Have electronic aids for communication and leisure reading (Kindle / tablet / windows phone), and for navigation.
3. Expect it to take 3 months to settle and get some friends - and work at getting some friends.
4. Stay out of trouble.
5. Make good money and send it home for as long as you can. Hopefully you will save a tidy sum - Inshallah.


1.Peacefull country.
2.Country with full of comfort.
3.Safe country.
4.Money saving country.
5.Country which motivates to be religious.


In random order:

1) Be wary of the locals. Some are cool and open-minded with regards to Western social culture, many...not so much. And don't assume that just because a Saudi travels to other countries, drinks alcohol, etc, means he'll be ok with you shaking his wife's hand when meeting her. In fact, a rule of thumb, when meeting a Saudi women, only shake her hand if she offers it to you first, and only in the presence of her husband/male guardian. 

2) Know when the prayer times are, this will save you quite a bit of time with planning your days, as everything closes for prayer time. Also knowing what cities let you stay in restaurants/supermarkets during prayer time helps (in Jeddah for example, you can stay inside the restaurant or supermarket during prayer time...many other cities will not let you).

3) Start researching from now what schools you might want to put your kids in. Like the best compounds, demand for good international schools is high, supply is low. Find out what the best international schools in your city are, and contact them about placement for your kids ASAP.

4) Don't bring your wife and kids over unless you or your company can afford to be put in a nice compound. If not in a compound, at the very least, in a decent villa in a neighborhood that is mostly made up of expats like yourself. And if you can afford a second car and driver. Otherwise, life will be hard for her and the kids.

5) Be patient and open-minded as possible, the culture and lifestyle here is probably very different than what you are used to. Just go with the flow as much as you can, and don't harbor any delusions of changing the system.


Housing: Many professional positions offer a housing allowance 35-40 a year for suitable accommodations would be what most westerners are acustom to.

Driving in Saudi is very aggressive so a good used car will suffice with insurance since you are just a guest.
Taxi's: Dont get in until you negotiate the price. which range from 10-50 sr but ask your colleagues about distances and  suitable prices


1. Prepare yourself by waiting for a very long time when you have given a new Visa,Normal time to wait is around 2 to 3 hours in the immigration office at the airport. This is what we experienced when we arrived at the airport.Time from them is not important Saudis tend to act on their own way on their own time.
2. DO NOT bring any pornographic material even pictures of women on magazines or newspapers that is obscene.You will be scolded or pay for fines per picture or even worse you will be imprisoned. Even bringing in electronic gadgets,they will check the contents of it.
3. DO NOT offer or stop to help especially to women except if she is your spouse.
4. For women make sure that you cover up your body from shoulders to toe. Wear clothes according to their customs.Do not travel alone,make sure you will be accompanied by your spouse only.Women are not allowed to drive a car here in Saudi.
5. DO NOT glance or even look at their women. Its only their spouse have the right to look at them. The Mutawa or their high priest will slap you instantly or they will call a police for they are crazy enough to get you imprisoned. Even looking out from your windows of your house,they think you are looking at their women.If you are with your wife make sure you bring your authenticated marriage certificate from the Saudi consulate.

Abdullah Ampong

1- Make sure that all documents with you are valid and keep it properly.
2-Do not work against your sponsor
3-Be aware of work illegal & legal.
4-Respect other people even right from your side. Just kind smoothly.
5-Be careful of everything against you especially your employer.