
Hello everybody! This is my first post :) (introducing myself)


Hello everybody!
My name is Natalia and I'm from Spain. Currently I work as a recruiter for a Chinese IT and localization company that works with European native speakers in its testing and language projects. This is great, because it allows me to meet a lot of interesting people from different countries!

I would like to ask you if you can recommend me some useful places where I can do some networking with Europeans based in Beijing. I'm new here, so I haven't joined any Expat meeting yet! But I'm really looking forward to it :)

Nice to e-meet all of you! :)

See also

Living in Beijing: the expat guideAny business minded people here?Anybody in Beijing?I live in Beijing, anybody here too?Recently moved to Beijing, would love to meet up

Natalia hi

Welcome to. Beijing

We have a get together every Tuesday. Each week about 40 people attend normally 50 - 50 male - female and 50 - 50 foreigners - English speaking Chinese.

Each week with a different theme and venue repeating on a monthly basis.

The second Tuesday of each month is a Future and Career evening that brings together people looking for jobs with people looking for staff,

I think all the themes will be of interest to you but the 2nd Tuesday of each month is 100% perfect for you.


Thank you Manlin :)
And how do I know the theme and venue every week? Do I have to join a list or something?

Looking forward to meet you all!

Kind regards,


Natalia hi

I emailed you some information.

I try and post the themes and venues in the Beijing forum but if not feel free to pm me.

Next events are

Tuesday 24 March 2015 - Hilton Beijing (Zeta Bar) a Knowledge, Insight, Strategy workshop followed by a networking evening

Tuesday 31 March 2015 -  Beer Mania for our 8th Anniversary Party

Tuesday 7 April 2015 - Aussie Wine Shop for a Foreigners and Chinese social networking evening

Tuesday 14 April 2015 - Hilton Wangfujing for a Future and Career networking eving to help people looking for jobs to meet people looking for staff.