
New Zealand Environmental Professional moving to Guangzhou.


Where should I begin to look for work here? Back home I work for a company called ENVCO that built equipment for environmental monitoring and prior to that I worked for Watercare Services (I specialise in industrial waste water systems and plant improvements). Currently I'm based in Hong Kong but am thinking of moving to Guangzhou for more opportunities.

It's been hard to try and find agencies that know what I do and I don't see many ads or classifies that advertise for this type of role. :(

Any help is much appreciated!

See also

Living in Guangzhou: the expat guideany tamil peoples in guangzhouFinding employees in GuangzhouWorking Visa China HIV PositiveMoving to Taicheng Subdistrict, Taishan

How do you do that.  Do you just throw a dart and it lands on Guangzhou or is it because GZ has so many environmental issues and you hope to get in the door.  It is amazing to see this place being built.  People in flip flops cutting stone pavers, welders without eye protection and paint draining into the streets.  The water aspect of this place is where I would focus, but I have nothing to do with that world.  Good Luck.


i think the best way to find a job which is suit you is to resort to headhunter companies. it is like an agency, they maybe find a good job for you.


Yes I have been looking at agencies but any good head hunters out there? I have realised that the best way is to look at the web sites with job offers but it's a slow painful process haha I just need the right company to look I suppose.


i think you may send out your CV to 51JOB.COM or somewhere else, the head hunters will find you. or maybe you can send out your CV to head hunters company. such as :