
Moving to Costa Rica



I wanted to introduce myself, as I'm moving with my husband to Costa Rica (around June).

I am seeking insights on the relocation process from the US, helpful information about Central American/Costa Rica (customs, weather, etc), tips on learning Spanish (no hablo español -- *yet*!) and for new friends in the area (predominantly San Jose but can be from anywhere, especially in Central America).

Cheers, I look forward to getting to know some of y'all!

See also

Retiring in Costa RicaTravelling to Costa RicaRequired Real Estate license in C.RIs it possible to renew US passport without an appointment?Help with customs paperwork

Hello Elise,

Welcome to :)

I have created a new thread from your initial post to increase your chances to get responses more specific to your queries :)

I would also suggest you go through the San Jose forum where you can interact with other members.

Wish you good luck in your endeavours  :top:



Paul Baker

I live in the Central Valley in San Isidro .   The weather is hot in summers but living in mountain areas keeps you cooler.    In winter rain and more rain.   There are lots of bugs to deal with.  The people on whole are friendly just be careful they can take advantage of you.    Be sure you know all rules of immigration and find a trust worthy lawyer..    Laws on immigration change fast.  Cars are very expensive here.   Before any one plans to move here come to live for a while and see if it is what you want there is not a lot do in some areas. out side of San Jose.   Food is not that great but if vegetarian Ok but you still like in spices and other food staples we take for granted is the US.    Just be sure you know what you are geting into. Costa RIca is pretty but paradise it is not.   So come live here for a while before you make any big moves.

Paul Baker

I have lived here six years and returning to the US as the US has every thing one could want and need .   That is not true here ..  or you pay high prices.   There are parts of the US you can live cheaper

Attorney Kearney

Hello Elise
Welcome to Costa Rica,
How do you like Costa Rica so far ?
I`m located in San José, Rohrmoser.
Lic.Gregory Kearney Lawson

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Paul Baker wrote:

I have lived here six years and returning to the US as the US has every thing one could want and need .   That is not true here ..  or you pay high prices.   There are parts of the US you can live cheaper

I know this is an old post but being that people come here for accurate info re moving to Costa Rica, I challenge the assertion that there are cheaper places to live in the USA that are worth living (i.e. not in a ghetto or such).

Please tell me a place similar in weather and all living costs in the USofA  - including Obamacare which is now required - where one can live as cheaply as Costa Rica.

If it can be done maybe I'll consider moving there some day or at least recommend it to others looking for an affordable place to live.

Please include cost or internet, mobile phone, and other utilities, food, hospitalization and/or insurance. IF you include the cost of rent and/or buying property I am confident Costa Rica is overall cheaper for an equal or similar living experience.

Check a site like numbeo where I compared an average city (cold, mine you) like Indianapolis to San Jose Costa Rica and got this:

"Consumer Prices in Indianapolis, IN are 21.22% higher than in San Jose
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Indianapolis, IN are 28.64% higher than in San Jose
Rent Prices in Indianapolis, IN are 53.33% higher than in San Jose
Restaurant Prices in Indianapolis, IN are 21.40% higher than in San Jose
Groceries Prices in Indianapolis, IN are 25.62% higher than in San Jose
Local Purchasing Power in Indianapolis, IN is 92.83% higher than in San Jose


Moderated by Bhavna 9 years ago
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