
Divorce Egypt


I have been in a relationship with an Egyptian man for 3 years. I am Irish and he has lived in Ireland for 12 years and is a citizen. 14 years ago he married a Spanish woman in Cairo and they later moved to Ireland, had 2 children and 4 years ago he left her. He now wants to get a divorce, we married in the mosque but that is not legally binding and we obviously cannot have a legal marriage until he is legally divorced.

He is exploring options, firstly going through solicitors which, as his ex-wife cannot afford legal fees and is intent on fighting it is going to be time consuming and also costly for him.

Secondly he contacted the Egyptian embassy here in Dublin and they said the process is relatively straight forward but he needs a copy of his wife's passport which she won't give him as she is still hoping for reconciliation at this point.

He is not trying to treat her unfairly, he pays the mortgage on what was their family home where she now lives with the children and is happy to continue doing this. He also takes the children to where he lives and spends regular time with them and wishes to maintain this situation also. All he wishes for is to be free of the 'legal bind' of marriage to this woman while respecting her as the mother of his children.

My question is, he is travelling to Cairo in 2 weeks to visit his parents, is it possible for him to divorce this woman legally there without having a copy of her passport and if so does anyone know what such a process involves?

He has been asking her for months now for a copy of the passport but she absolutely refuses to provide it and then starts insulting him and telling the children bad things about their father. It is extremely frustrating for all involved and an option that would be fast and easy and have little or no impact on the kids would be the ideal. Any info?

See also

Traveling to Egyptcan he still be marriedDivorce In Egypt!!How to get Residence in EgyptResidence permit

Hello Bouginvillea

I suggest you to read this thread while waiting for members to revert back : Divorce In Egypt!!

Kenjee team

the egyptian lawyer

Hi Bouginvillea

Here in Egypt the only competent party for marring & divorcing legally between the Egyptians & foreigners is the ministry of justice ….. but unfortunately they didn’t registering the marriage or divorce without present the two parties ( husband & wife ) by them self …. So this solution r not available in ur husband situation.

The good news that there is another way for ur husband to divorce his wife by the court … just the expert Egyptian’s lawyers know this way …. But this way will take some time  until finishing the case … it s take from 6 months – 1 year & after getting the verdict of divorcing … its will be registered & authenticated from the Egyptian’s ministry of foreign affairs …… finally … we can say congratulation & ur husband could use the vedict at ur country without any legally barriers .
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Have nice time …….

Best regards


You appear to have read my post entirely incorrectly. My partner (I don't recognise him as my husband) and his ex did both register the marriage in Cairo and both were present for the marriage.

the egyptian lawyer

I’m sorry if I misunderstanding ur post … maybe because u said that u r (we married in the mosque but that is not legally binding and we obviously cannot have a legal marriage until he is legally divorced ) and that’s considered a marriage relation by Islam rules & the Muslim man could marry more than 1 women in the same time ( 4 wives ) but this an exception for some specific situations & rarely happened in the Muslim communities ….but this available & legal here in Egypt if the wife accept this situation or she can ask for divorce for that .

Any way all what I want to say that from the legal aspect here in Egypt … u partner cant  make divorce his wife in Egypt by the ministry of justice without approval & present his wife with him ….. but he can do that by the court without her permission or approval … if he has an expert in such cases  & all what he need to do that an original copy of the marriage certificate .

Wish u luck


Can an Egyptian man divorce his none Egyptian wife at the Ministry of Justice in Cairo without her present? Will the divorce be recognised in the UK? If the Egyptian man was resident in the UK and living with his wife in the UK up to two weeks before he traveled to Egypt to apply for divorce will it still be legal? If he then takes an Egyptian wife will this be seen as bigamy in the UK?