
looking for work in brazil


Am osman swallah currently living in ghana but willing to move to btazil next months

. and need someone who can help me aquire job a.please. any job

See also

Job offers in BrazilThe Brazilian labour marketFinding a job in BrazilInvest in BrazilWorking in Curitiba

That will be quite difficult to do, not only do you require a confirmed contract with a company here in Brazil in order to qualify for a VITEM-V Work Visa, but the law here requires all employers must prove that they have exhausted all efforts to place a qualified Brazilian in any job vacancy before they can hire a foreign national to fil it.

Do you have a degree in one of the STEM (science/technology/engineering/mathematics) fields? If not you don't have much of a chance, sorry to say.

James       Expat-blog Experts Team


Please can i used tourists visa so that u may help me to get job


You cannot work in Brazil on a VITUR Tourist Visa, getting caught doing so means being deported. You need at the very minimum a VITEM-V Work Visa or VIPER Permanent Visa in order to work in this country.


Ok how can u help me solve my problem because am my way coming


I can't help you solve your problem.

You have to first find a job with an employer who is willing to confirm in writing that you have an employment contract waiting for you. You then need to apply for a VITEM-V Work Visa through the Consulado-Geral do Brasil in Ghana, meet ALL of the requirements of that visa category and hope for the very best.

Like I said, it is almost impossible for expats to find work in Brazil unless they have a degree in one of the STEM fields. That's why most of us (who have jobs here) have either been transfered here by multinational companies or have invested in starting their own businesses. There are millions of Brazilians looking for jobs, when the law requires employers put them into vacancies first, do you really think that WE stand a chance????


By the way.... what is your PROFESSION???


Store keeper but willing to get Labour's. work in Brazil


Unless you have R$ 150000 (US $50000) to invest in starting up your own business here, you can forget about finding work in Brazil, unfortunately.

ONLY Brazilians get the laborer jobs in this country, with millions of them already out of work the government will not even consider granting you a VITEM-V Work Visa if that is all the qualifications you have. Sorry!

I can't change the truth to make it something that you want to hear. People coming from abroad with university degrees find it extremely difficult to obtain work here, I can't talk about Ghana, but I'd guess jobs don't grow on trees there... Well, they don't grow on trees here either. Perhaps you should be thinking about another country where the bureaucracy isn't so oppressive. Knowing WHEN you should just give up, is not the same as being a quitter! Brazil isn't going to be in your future, believe me.

