
English guy looking for work in Denmark


Hi , I'm new here and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction :)

I'm an English guy currently living in the UK. A couple of years ago I met the love of my life who just happens to be Danish. After travelling to Denmark very frequently since we met, I'm now at the point where I would very much like to live and work permanently in Denmark. My partner cannot to move to the UK yet as she has a young son and as I live alone it would be far better if I could be the one to relocate.

I'm trying to learn the Danish language although I'm very much still at beginner level. I'm willing to do almost any kind of work that is in my capabilities which I'm guessing would be unskilled or warehouse type work until such a time as I get a better grasp of the language and learn more about the Danish way of life.

Does anyone have any information on any employers that I could contact and I'd also love to hear stories from anyone that's been in a similar situation and how it turned out for you.

Many thanks in advance

See also

Job offers in DenmarkSetting up a business in DenmarkInternships in DenmarkWorking in DenmarkWorking in Denmark as a digital nomad

Hi there,
My name is Linsay and I just saw your blog, and thought it would be nice to share my experiences as I only moved here a few months ago, and had a similar situation to yours.

I am from Scotland, but lived in London for 8 years. I met a Danish guy in London and after 2.5 years of commuting at weekends I decided to move to Denmark. He has kids, and so it seemed better for me to move, and also I wanted a change from Ldn.

I searched for a job for a few months, but got lots of rejections. I work in finance, and so wanted something similar. After many rejections, my boyfriends friend gave me a maternity cover role. It will be easier for you, as you are looking for any job I guess. I must admit it is hard to get work here, esp if you do not speak Danish, as although everyone speaks English, Danish is still the language of choice at companies. I am lucky as finance is international and so all the work we do is in English. However I still miss out on all the desk chat.

I am learning Danish, but find it extremely hard. I took lessons in london, but did not really learn much as I was not using it. The thing is with Danish is that it has to be perfectly pronounced or the Danes will not understand at all, as they are not used to international people speaking Danish. While Danish lessons are free for 3 years with anyone with a CPR number, I have chosen to go to a private school. it is abount £500 a month, but worth it, as my pronounciation is better and people actually understand what I say now!!

I was in the position that I wanted to secure a job before I moved here, rather than just learn Danish full. Also, you cannt do much without a CPR number, and to get one you have to be a student or have a  job. So its a bit hard. Perhaps you could just come, and work part time in a restaurant or bar, and take some danish lessons and then look for a job that is more suitable for you in an international company where English is the preferred language.

Life in general in copenhagen is great. The Danes are hard to get to know at first, but once you are in then they are friends for life :) I really enjoy it here, yes it takes time but its a great city, and the work life balance here is awseome!

good luck,a nd if I can help in any way thn please let me nwo



It's nice to know that there are others out there that are having the same experiences,

I met my fiancé in Copenhagen at New Years Eve party and we have been inseparable ever since :)
We are both living in the U.K. at present and are both desperate to get back the problem I am having is somewhat the same. I haven't got a clue were to start and look for work, however I work in the finance industry for a big Insolvency practitioner which is based in Glasgow I'd gladly take anything at present I'm currently looking at Danske bank but the only positions they have are voluntary (mainly debt counselling).

My Danish is coming on splendidly but I haven't got the foggiest where to start?

I wish you all the best with your endeavours pal :) and hope it works out for you