I don't know if I can really help on this topic, although I'm also from the US and moved here this past December to be with my boyfriend.
If you are wanting to reside in the US, you really should stick to that because moving to Turkey, just to move back and then try all over again for him to live with you in the US will exhaust even more time and money. With that being said, it really comes down to what you see yourself doing in life. Both countries are different in what they have to offer, both have negatives and positives, so be careful when making a huge decision on a whim.
As far as a college degree? Doesn't matter probably unless you find a place even willing to pay for a work permit. (I THINK you can pay for you own, but to my understanding a company has to apply for it). It's not legal for us to work here, and Turkey really does its best to prevent foreigners from taking up any jobs. You could find illegal work, like "teaching English", but that comes with huge risks (fines and deportation), and honestly, you're not going to want to hold conversation classes with low hours and pay for years of your life, unless you do, then go for it. If you're fluent in Turkish along with being a native English speaker, there could be more out there, but I really don't know.
Now if you're aiming to get Turkish citizenship, yea, not having a degree won't look good most likely for finding a job. Everyone is going to school here, and jobs put people on minimum pay grade if they don't have a degree. It's pretty ridiculous, but like I said...positives and negatives.
I suggest if you do come here, do it with a lot of money saved- conversion rates are high right now and would give you plenty to sit comfortably on for a few months.
I personally think you'd waste time and money getting a degree just to come here, spend that time getting your husband over in the US with you (if he hasn't done military service, he needs to get that out of the way as well). Jobs are not abundant here, and even for Turkish citizens there is a lack of variety as opposed to the US.
I'm not trying to sway you in any direction, because there's no way to know without experiencing it for yourself. I came here on a whim as well, and the biggest issue to me is the fact that I have NO idea how I will find work, but I don't have any regrets or anything about moving here. I would talk with your husband thoroughly about this, and figure out (and compromise) where is the best place for you two to live.
I hope something here helps, and if you have any other questions, ask! ^_^