
Adveti August 2015 start


Hi All,

I am quite new to forums so please excuse me. I have just got my initial offer letter About two weeks ago unfortunately it doesn't state the location to where I will be working which is kind of annoying as it may be Abu Dhabi or Sharjah?

I am lead to believe that the location will be disclosed on the final contract which should be with me next I hope.


[1] Does anyone know that since we have received our initial contracts does that mean we have passed our pre employment checks?

[2] Do Adveti still put you up in a hotel for 10 days when you get there?

[3] Anyone had their interview in Manchester?

[4] Does anyone have in their contract stating if required you maybe moved to due to operational needs?

Is anyone else in a similar situation?

Would love to hear from you guys ☺

Many thanks

See also

Job offers in Abu DhabiWorking in Abu DhabiThe labor market in Abu DhabiThe work culture in Abu DhabiWorking in the United Arab Emirates

Hi there. We are in the same boat. I think I can answer some of your question. For question number 1, receiving initial contract does not give an assurance that we will be given the final contract, according to the HR employee I have talked to. It depends on the pre - employment check where she didn't disclose further details. For question number 2, yes they will provide hotel accommodation, but im not sure if the total is 10 days.


Hi Paul,

Thanks for your reply. It's such an anxious wait for all the legal stuff to come through.

It's really frustrating not know if you have passed the pre employment checks as that is the biggest hurdle.

Was it Adveti HR you spoke to?

Many thanks


How long did it take to get your initial offer through post-interview? What will you be teaching?



Hi I interviewed in Manchester,  received the initial offer in May but still waiting for final contract or confirmation of previous employment checks.  Doesn't leave much time to pack up life here tbh


Hi Adyy,

Yh it doesn't leave much time. I heard they will issue visa's in July with our tickets for travel.

Where did you get placed? Abu Dhabi, Sharjah or Ras Al Khaimah?

What will you be teaching?


Hi ghost,  I will be teaching ESL. No idea where I'll be placed that's the most frustrating thing as would need to sort my daughter's school. And you?


Hi Adyy,

I know your frustration as they do t give you location so we can sort kids schools out which don't happen over night.

The whole admin process is extremely slow so you will find out your location on your final contract.

I'm teaching ICT.

Which agency did you go through?


Yeah I've noticed.  The agency is astute  who've been updating regularly but last I heard they are still waiting for the checks to come through.


Hi I  received an initial offer in June  to teach in one of the STS through adveti

had interview in May. 

Does anyone know if they will relocate teachers by August 2015?

What is it like to work as a teacher in the schools?

What are the chances of career progression?


Hi Adyy,

Yeah I heard that there had been some delays with Co tracts and checks so that's probably why you haven't received final contract back yet.

Hopefully you will get something through soon as. I still need to start packing and feeling a little stressed now.

Let me know where you get posted. I'm going be based in RAK.



Hi Angel,

They will be relocating teachers some time in August possible start to mid August. The term starts in Sunday 31st August.

Do you know where your going to be based? I will be moving to RAK.

What will you be teaching and where are you coming from?


Hi Ghost,
I am a science teacher and will be coming over with my family.  I am currently working in the UK.  Don't know where I will be relocated.  keep in touch.


Hi Ghost,

I too had my interview in Manchester in April and received my final contract in May.
They have placed me in Abu Dhabi but in a boys school. I didn't think they had female teachers in a boys campus. Is anyone else in a similar position?

My contract also mentions the 10 day hotel stay. Think that's the maximum you can stay but you need to sort out other accommodation within those 10 days.
My contract also mentions the same regards moving due to operational needs etc.
Hope this helps.


Hi Khay,

Thanks for your reply. I think that since them conditions are in your contract it is a standard thing in all of Adveti teacher contracts.

The funny thing is I actually thought I would be based in Abu Dhabi or Sharjah but to my surprise in May when I received the final contract it stated Ras al khaimah (RAK) I was a bit dumbfounded.

Apparently it's 9 days in a hotel. We going to have medical the first day I think when we get there and then HR stuff next day.

Did they give you a flight out date yet?


Moving to UAE in August as well. Would be nice to meet new people and find out if anyone else have been given their travel dates yet.


which agency did you go through.  i'm still waiting for my final contract.  the anxious wait.


Hi everyone,
I am also in a pretty frustrating position. Got initial offer in April but still waiting for final contract.  Keep being told checks still being done.
Does anyone know how long the checks take?
Concerned that they will not want me to start in August now.  Also have no idea on location until I receive contract.
Other people in this boat?
Thoughts appreciated...


Hi there,
No I've emailed adveti directly a couple of times with no reply which is pretty poor!
Do you know what the checks involve and how you can fail them?


Hi Ghost,

Since I've handed in all my legalised and embassy stamped certificates a few days ago to ADVETI, I know i wont be hearing from them anytime soon.  I'll begin nagging them in 2 weeks time- plus its Ramadan so things will be running extra slow. When did you hand in all your documents?
I was also advised by ADVETI to have all my GCSE and AS/A level certificates certified with a solicitor here, as this will be helpful towards an equivalency process once we get there.

I'm told RAK is a nice place :)


its ramadan so they have slowed down.  I have heard through the grapevine they want to relocate all teachers by late august.  My brother was interviewed yesterday via skype and he was told this by HR.  I was told this by  my recruitment consultant.  Just hang in there i'm in the same boat.


Hi Angel,

Yes your right. Adveti want all teachers to be there in August as the term starts end of August.

Which STS campus you going to working in?


Hi Hambles26,

The pre employment checks should take 4 - 6 weeks once Adveti apply for it. I've heard on some cases it's taken a longer time but in your case I think it's taking longer because of Ramadan.

One other thing it might be because they applied for it late hence you still haven't received it yet.

What will you be teaching?


Hi Khay,

Yh I'm in the process of getting my documents attested.

Yh I've heard RAK is a nice place with a mixture of sand and green grass. It's ment to be a bit more relaxed than dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Apparently it's becoming a number 1 hot spot for expats.

It's only 40 to 60 mins away from Dubai.


Hi Ghost!

I was sent this initial offer in April so its taking a very long time.  My concern is I've been unable to hand in my notice due to the uncertainty, so that's going to lead to me leaving my current school on very bad terms (last minute), or trying to negotiate a start date for maybe October half term.  Its just all very frustrating, as I feel like I can't organise anything here until I receive my contract.

I will be teaching PE.

How about you?


Hi Humbles26 I understand your predicament and it's a tough one.

You will just have to play by ear. I dont think they will move your start date but it's worth a try. They want all teachers to be teaching from the start of the academic year.

Maybe email Adveti directly and see what they say on you starting in October under the current circumstances.

I will be teaching ICT.

Do you know where you are going to be placed yet?


Hi there. Have you recieved your contract yet? what are you teaching? How are you by the way?


I am sure Adveti have a January start as well.



I have been in touch with Adveti for months. I have been through all the stress and worry. Be patient. Worrying will not make them work any faster! Things will happen when they say they will but they could put it through on the last day of deadline!!

You can ring Beena or Sojan directly number is on any email from adveti. I think the best day to ring is a Sunday.

I am at the visa stage, they've said July to me, I've left them to it and am concentrating in packing and getting certificates attested.

I have been given a date if 7-14 to fly from London. I will be based in Sharjah. Anyone else leaving from London? Or anyone based in Sharjah?

No matter where you are teaching we will all be spending 2 days in Abu Dhabi for medicals and contract signing before moving on to our locations.



my agency told me not to contact adveti directly.  Adveti get annoyed.  should I contact them.  I have not heard anything yet.  I got the initial letter in june.  was interviewed in may.  still waiting very anxiously.


Angel if you are at the stage where Sojan has emailed you directly with your contract then yes you can email them and ask question. I am in regular contact with them. Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.


Same here, I still only have the inital offer from may and waiting for the final offer. Kinda glad Im not the only one lol


Hi Angel

My agency told me not to get in touch with Adveti either. But they were really slow so I emailed  Adveti myself, and Got all my answers and my contract. I say DO IT!


Hi All,

Has Sojan given you your mobilization dates yet?

Not long to go.


Hi ghost. Yes it's either the 7th or the 14th. If ur fb search for a group called Adveti 2015/2016 starters.


I tried to email the HR co-ordinator Beena Phillips at adveti.  Does anyone have an email address to whom I can email some questions?

much appreciated


Babzi gave me Sojan's email address you may pm him

Bad news for me though -  2 months after my initial offer they have decided to reject my application without any reason given. I'm gutted but   it wasn't to be

All those still waiting I would get in contact with adveti directly to save being stuck in limbo for any longer

All the best