
health questions for siem reap


I am wanting to retire to siem reap in march 2016 and have some queries
1. as I have a heart condition and have to take a lot of pills every day, I worry that I won't be able to get my meds at the local pharmacy. the pills I take are Atorvastatin, Clopidog/Asprin, Metoprolol, Nicorandil and Ramipril.
2. if I have an incident and have to attend a hospital, is there one in siem reap with a cardiac care section?
3. or would it be easier to fly back to Australia for treatment?
if any one can answer these queries it would be greatly appreciated. thank you. chris Beitsch.

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you can find all of those meds in Cambodia under a different commercial name at a fraction of the cost.

in SR i dont know much about the healthcare since i just got here recently.

although in Phnom Penh there's a branch of the famous Bangkok hospital Bumrungrad and it has a cardiac section.

personally i've been treated at Bumrungrad in Bangkok ( it caters to westerners and upper class Thais ) and if i'd need any sort of treatment here would certainly go to Bumrungrad.

hope that helps.

edit: in extreme circumstances i'd also advise to fly to Bangkok rather than all the way to Australia.  the healthcare quality is outstanding by all western standards and its much closer.


you said that you can get those meds but under a different name, but do you need prescriptions for them or would Australian prescriptions be ok.. chris


a foreign prescription is worthless abroad in most cases.  i'd imagine that the used package of the meds taken is enough at any pharmacy ( theres no risk of abuse for such meds ).

otherwise you can talk to any local doctor for a local prescrption along with the Australian one to prove that you're using those meds.

note that some meds can only be dispensed from a hospital pharmacy under an in-doctor's prescription.