work searching
Hi. my name is Elinyo from Tanzania. I would like to work in Iceland and study.
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I recommend reading the threads about work:
and visas:
Iceland is not an easy place to move to if you have no connections there. If you want to work, you must have special skills not easily found in Iceland.
so how you can help me to find a job not only in iceland but also any country wich is most likely to be atractive to workers.
Countries that are attractive to workers tend to have lots of people trying to move to them. It means that people who want to move there have to be exceptionally motivated to find the job and sort out the paperwork.
I can provide you with information to set you on the path (as I did above) but I cannot get you a work visa. Have you read through any of the information on requirements for study or work in Iceland or any of your countries of choice? I would recommend becoming familiar with that as a start.
ok. thanks alot for your good answer but still i have a problem . i would like you to help in this matter, works which a.m searching for are picking of fruits or to be harvester. so how can i get started to these issue. please try to help me on this a.m tired of the life i live now. thanks
Iceland is definitely not the place for you then, as there really are no fruits grown there on a commercial scale.
In other countries whose immigration laws I'm familiar with, harvesting is not considered skilled enough labor to qualify for a visa. Particularly in EEA countries, people will come from central Europe to do the harvesting. They don't require a visa so it is simpler for them to be employed. I don't know what country that's attractive for workers and provide visas for harvest labor.
Ok. thanks alot for your corparation on this. I have understood you well. so last question please. how you can help me in order to reach your place?
I can help you by providing information in the form of links and advice based on my experience dealing with immigration authorities in two countries. In order to get a visa in either of these places you need to:
1) have connections to the country in the form of family or a (provably real) relationship where you intend to marry or are already married.
2) enroll in a school and have the funds to support your studies. You need to be able to get in to the school where you want to study so presumably you will need to have finished some schooling in your home country.
3) have desirable skills on the job market that will justify a work visa.
since I'm not going to marry you, don't run a school where you can enroll, and can't hire you, I will reiterate my suggestion that you do a bit more research and decide yourself how and where you want to proceed
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