
Looking to share a furnished flat or a house in Jeddah


G'day ,
Sorry to write to you out of the blue like that, I just did a search for Australian expats in Jeddah and you came up. I have just arrived in Jeddah from Sydney to take a post as a quality assurance manager with one of the major educational management companies in KSA. I am currently living in a mediocre hotel (where the company put me up) and I am looking get out of there ASAP. It would be great if I could find someone to share a nice flat with (preferably, but not necessarily, a Westerner),so if you know someone, please let me know.

I do not know anyone here so I was wondering if you have time and willing to have a chat, I would be grateful if you could call me on ***

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Moderated by Bhavna 9 years ago
Reason : For security reasons please do not share your personal contact number on the forum.

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in JeddahAccommodation in Saudi ArabiaThe Do's and Don'ts of Renting in the KingdomAccommodation in Dammam

Hi Gary,

Welcome to expat-blog  :)

Hope you are doing good.

Since you have arrived to Jeddah, how do you find it?

All the best,
Bhavna  ;)


Hi Bhavna,
So far it has been tolerable, only just. My hotel is not the best, my company is a bit stingy, and sometimes I feel that I am interned in my room for being such a naughty boy ( my room window overlooks a wall).

Yesterday I took a cab to downtown Jeddah, it was interesting and hot. I felt that I went back in time, like I was in Dubai 40 years ago.

Any how I think the only way is up. I just need to sort out my accommodation situation, then sort out a car, then get ready to face the monumental challenges waiting for me at work. Apart from that all is well.
tell me about you, how long have you been here and what do you do.
talk soon,


Welcome on board  :cheers:

For accommodation you can check out the housing section in the green banner above the page and you can post your search there too. For transportation  you can check out the classifieds.

And just for your information: Bhavna is a member of the moderation team as you can see at the title under her avatar  :D


Why is the moderation team communicating with me as though they are possible contacts? The mind boggles. I am looking for someone to help me and not for someone who is cavessing my opinion about life in Jeddah from the moderation team.


Look on for listings, or maybe contact one of the big western compounds (basteen, arabian homes, sharbatley) & see if any of their apartments have an opening or have renters looking for flat mates


Auzzziechap wrote:

Why is the moderation team communicating with me as though they are possible contacts? The mind boggles. I am looking for someone to help me and not for someone who is cavessing my opinion about life in Jeddah from the moderation team.

benefit of the forum I guess :D

but as mama said, or u go with an option of furnished apartment, no need to get furniture or anything else for that matter, all depends on your budget and needs.



For accommodation it all comes down to what budget you have and which area you want to live. It would help to live close to your work place until you get a car; it is helpful even after you have a car considering the traffic.

Also advisable is to find a flatmate who is a professional so that individual spaces are respected and kept.

I am looking to move to Al Hamra but will be a while before I can as tied with my current flat contract.


Hello Gary, welcome to Jeddah.
I recommend you to act quickly because its summer vacations times and people are coming from outside Jeddah to occupy most of the vacant apartments, mostly furnished.
Check out the housing section at You can also contact local property dealers (maktab Eqaar), off course they will charge you for the service.

Ebkar Real Estate

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