Sma formula milk

hi everyone
we are going to mauritius from ireland in 3 weeks we are also bringing our 15 week old son can we get sma formula milk over there ?


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Now what has that got to do with my question ? It ok no taxi required my wife is Mauritian

Yes I believe you can get it but my children are much older now so things might have changed. They usually sell formula milk at chemists. There are quite a good range of brands.

If you are looking for SMA may not get it. I haven't seen it so far. But there are other good brands. However, I would recommend to carry the formula with you as sometimes kids find it difficult to adapt to new formula.
Wish you a great holiday :))

Thank you for the reply just looking forward to getting there now  :top:

My friend uses SMA 2 follow on which she buys from the local pharmacies, but I think your baby is too young for this?  however if I was you I would bring yours with you, then no worries about finding the right brand and a happy baby :)

Have a good holiday ;)

Thank you for the reply  not long now  till we're  there  :top:

hi. i would bring the milk. too complicated if you do not get it. babies are sooo fussy. :-) also i would bring ure nappies and wipes.not that good here but huggies or new baby number 3 pampers should be ok. any other questions feel free to ask. it can get chilly at night for them.

Thank you for your reply wwe will be there in ten days my partner is Mauritian so we have a good idea what to expect for everything else , can't wait I hop it's what I'm dreaming of Grande gaube should be interesting that's where we will be staying .again thanks for your reply