
Emigrating to Belgium with a work visa


Hi folks,
This is my first post in this forum.
I am an Indian living in Iran having an Iranian wife. I am currently working in software industry as a project manager. I want to know few things about job opportunities in Belgium.

1. Is it possible to get a job in Belgium without any ready visa or permit? If yes how?
2. What I have to consider before searching for a job in Belgium.
3. What are the constraints of moving to Belgium?
4. English is my native language, is there any other constraints about language?
5. Is there any consultancy for this process?
6. What steps I should follow to get right infos and for proper way of moving?

I will glad if some of you can help me out with my questions.

thanks in advance

See also

Job offers in BelgiumWorking in AntwerpWorking in LiègeWorking in CharleroiFinding work in Brussels

Hello sinha and welcome on board

While waiting for members to revert back, I invite you to read the articles we have in our Living in Belgium guide as well as browse through the forum by ''Forum Categories'' found on the right hand side of your screen.




Concerning your questions, here are some small answers:

- 1° --> No, it is only possible if you are a native from one of the country of european union
- 2° --> A complete new way of life far away of "english way of life and mentality".
- 3° --> Driving system, ...
- 4° --> If you content in English, you're going to lock you in a ghetto like many other foreigners. It is imperative to learn French and / or Flemish.
- 5° --> By taking the time to read all the articles in this forum, you'll find a lot of answers and advice.
- 6° --> See answer 5

For your wife and yourself, if you want a true and successful integration to life in Belgium, it is imperative that you go out as soon as possible of the ghetto you're gonna create yourself by choosing the easy way to associate only people of the same origin as you. What are unfortunately doing 90% of foreigners in Belgium. And then they wonder why they are misjudged ...

Aleks 2015

Hello, Sinha, I'm Alex, I'm a Russian expat currently living in Tehran. I saw your question about moving to Belgium. I've heard some impressions about that country from Russians which are living there now. First of all your English won't help in your everyday life, so you'll have to learn Flemish (one of Dutch dialects) or French. Second, it's a country with a very sofisticated beureaucracy system. So all you need is a great patience. If you have other questions I'll be glad to talk to you in Tehran. You can write me a message.