
Jobs in SA


Hello my husband and I are thinking of moving to SA, my husband is South African and I am Russian. What are the chances of me finding a job in SA?

See also

Job offers in South AfricaSetting up a business in South AfricaWorking in South AfricaBecome a digital nomad in South AfricaInternships in South Africa

Welcome to, Anna :)
I suppose all depends on your qualifications and also on where in South Africa you are going to settle!
You could always check out the Jobs section in South Africa's Classifieds.


Privet Anna

I am South African and my wife is Russian, and she found a job relatively easily. You will need to get a Spousal Permit with a work endorsement.

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All the best


HI there! I am newly engaged and I am from DRC and my fiance from italy but I need a JOB for the beginning in africa preferable outside of South with some international NGOs or any professional work one, I am running out of money if I cant find a job it will be difficult for us to plane for our future so if any one knows/has any job vacancies please let me know...


Hi b52alino -
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Anna1234 wrote:

Hello my husband and I are thinking of moving to SA, my husband is South African and I am Russian. What are the chances of me finding a job in SA?

Hi there,

Finding a job in SA can be really hard. I had to go through a tough year, as prefrence is give to South Africans due to the fact that most compnaies by law can only allocate a certain %age of jobs to non South Africans. Even if a compnay has room in their quota they still have to strongly motivate why a South African cannot fill that particualr role.

I currently work for a company in Cape Town who are looking to recruit UK nationals, as our Clients are based in the UK and the comopany will also sort out your work permit.
If you are interested please e-mail me and I can get our recruiters to contact you and see what we have available for the experience you have.

Good Luck with the move. Cape Town is the place to be! :)