
looking for job and moving to australia


good day,

I am a project manager in a construction company in the united Arab emirates , I am planning to move to Australia for better education and living standard for my kids, I am looking for any position in the construction field in  Australia.

thank you

See also

Job offers in AustraliaSetting up a business in AustraliaFinding a job in AustraliaFinding work in MelbourneWorking in Sydney

osama-al wrote:

good day,

I am a project manager in a construction company in the united Arab emirates , I am planning to move to Australia for better education and living standard for my kids, I am looking for any position in the construction field in  Australia.

thank you

I note you are also looking for work in USA and Canada. 
As far as Australia is concerned please read through the many informative posts found in the forum categories list, upper right hand side of this page.

You need to first find out if you qualify for a visa and if so, which visa. For visa information and applications 
For cost of living, which is very high,   

The job market here is depressed as companies are downsizing and laying off staff. Unemployment is rising. Australia is one of the highest taxed countries in the world.

Sorry to sound so negative but this is the reality here in Australia.


Sorry Osama

I have to agree with stumpy.

I too work in Construction in Australia and work is hard to find in most places so there has been a clamp down on visas for incoming workers of most disciplines.

Plus the cost of living has risen greatly here in the past 4-5 years.

Good luck if you try, search all the jobs websites like Seek & Byron or have a look at Canada as an option.



good afternoon sir my name is emmanuel Agbogli am planning of moving to australia this month but am also excavator operator having 15 years working experience.
please i want to knw whether i will get vacancy in your company si that i will hurry and get my visa and com over to australia.

Thank you
best regard.


cypher40 wrote:

good afternoon sir my name is emmanuel Agbogli am planning of moving to australia this month but am also excavator operator having 15 years working experience.
please i want to knw whether i will get vacancy in your company si that i will hurry and get my visa and com over to australia.

Thank you
best regard.

To be brutally honest you will not get a visa or a job as an operator here in Australia unless a company is prepared to sponsor you. High unemployment, high taxes, high cost of living, depressed economy.
Please read my previous post.


HI ewerybody, i looking work at aus, Im from at Finland mechanical technician and elektrician supervisor and looking work in aus because have near thailand (my holiday favourite place) i has working around a world many country (about 24 country) but finland no have work now and economy have drive down and peoples no have work, im 56 year young and good experience mechanical and elektrician work and house building work, OR if any know or have contact canada too  work, im open all were have work place were live no important only if have work  only important.
send to me if u know work for me


"HI ewerybody, i looking work at aus, Im from at Finland mechanical technician and elektrician supervisor and looking work in aus because have near thailand (my holiday favourite place) i has working around a world many country (about 24 country) but finland no have work now and economy have drive down and peoples no have work, im 56 year young and good experience mechanical and elektrician work and house building work, OR if any know or have contact canada too  work, im open all were have work place were live no important only if have work  only important.
send to me if u know work for me

Sorry everybody, I better answer him in Finnish.
Niin Australiasta on vaikeeta saada töitä tällä hetkellä ja siellä on muutenkin talouspuoli retuperillä niinkuin muuallakin. Huomaan myös että sun englanninkielessä on myös  aika paljon hiomista. Kannattaa mennä ensin opetteleen englannin perusteet. Ei millään pahalla mutta jos menet Australiassa työhaastatteluun, tuskin saat töitä ihan pelkästään huonon englannin takia.


matii43 wrote:

HI ewerybody, i looking work at aus, Im from at Finland mechanical technician and elektrician supervisor and looking work in aus because have near thailand (my holiday favourite place) i has working around a world many country (about 24 country) but finland no have work now and economy have drive down and peoples no have work, im 56 year young and good experience mechanical and elektrician work and house building work, OR if any know or have contact canada too  work, im open all were have work place were live no important only if have work  only important.
send to me if u know work for me

Finding work in Australia is not as simple as asking on a forum. With high unemployment, high taxes and high cost of living Australia is not the country to be seeking work in. Australia is now one of the highest cost countries to live in.
Companies are laying off workers, down sizing, and some are shutting their doors. There is age discrimination here too so those over 40 are not looked upon favorably for employment.
I too have wandered the world working but have been unemployed in Australia for over 12 months now.

There is the question of whether you qualify for a visa.  For visa information and applications www,   
For jobs
For cost of living 

Sorry if I sound negative but this is the reality.


stumpy wrote:
matii43 wrote:

HI ewerybody, i looking work at aus, Im from at Finland mechanical technician and elektrician supervisor and looking work in aus because have near thailand (my holiday favourite place) i has working around a world many country (about 24 country) but finland no have work now and economy have drive down and peoples no have work, im 56 year young and good experience mechanical and elektrician work and house building work, OR if any know or have contact canada too  work, im open all were have work place were live no important only if have work  only important.
send to me if u know work for me

Finding work in Australia is not as simple as asking on a forum. With high unemployment, high taxes and high cost of living Australia is not the country to be seeking work in. Australia is now one of the highest cost countries to live in.
Companies are laying off workers, down sizing, and some are shutting their doors. There is age discrimination here too so those over 40 are not looked upon favorably for employment.
I too have wandered the world working but have been unemployed in Australia for over 12 months now.

There is the question of whether you qualify for a visa.  For visa information and applications www,   
For jobs
For cost of living 

Sorry if I sound negative but this is the reality.

Yeah the situation over there sounds pretty $hitty. What type of work do you do (or are looking for)? I start my studies in 2 months and will study nursing.