
Things to do in Dar es Salaam during the weekends



What do you usually do on your weekends in Dar es Salaam?

Are there any places to visit, any activities, any events or festivals regularly organized you would like to recommend?

What are your top tips for the weekend in Dar es Salaam?

Thank you in advance for sharing your experience, ;)


See also

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Hi ,
There are a lot of exciting event over weekend.

Like if you clubbing try out High Spirit, Samaki-Samaki Trinity.
If you like musical show almost every weekend somewhere there are show of artist.
Frequently there is NYOMA CHOMA at leaders ground, try that out.

Try visiting South Sand Beach in Kigamboni , it is outstanding on weekend.

There are plenty of exciting happens over the weekend.


Why not learn some style of dancing - latin, belly dance, hip hop, etc. -  martial arts, pilates, etc.  At Seacliff, Masaki,  there is the academy of Dance Art Fusion.  On Saturday there are Tango classes.


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