Going to DQ
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Somebody inform me that there is a functions today afternoon..
im gonna check it out..
yahoooo...im so excited... i wonder how DQ looks like..
DQ DQ..im coming..
seeker of truth wrote:Somebody inform me that there is a functions today afternoon..
im gonna check it out..
yahoooo...im so excited... i wonder how DQ looks like..
DQ DQ..im coming..
?? is there???
I heard Monday night at Scallini. That is on my calender. If this afternoon too, what time and where?
CivEngr wrote:I heard Monday night at Scallini. That is on my calender. If this afternoon too, what time and where?
Hmmm. I haven't heard of anything either! Please advise..

He might be confused in his excitement.
Whats got into this Seeker of Truth...he's confusing everyone. No function at DQ - trust me I am home now and the neighbour is buidling that is the only activity today.
about what jillndave?
dont worry ill not go there to be a spy..
Scallini issue is different...i'm not talking about that.
yes there is..one of my coworkers told me that there is in an embassy..so im going there before 5 or 6 to check it out...
seeker of truth wrote:yes there is..one of my coworkers told me that there is in an embassy..so im going there before 5 or 6 to check it out...
Well, you'd better be sure that it's not something that requires a 'sponsor' or tickets! Good luck--
seeker of truth wrote:about what jillndave?
dont worry ill not go there to be a spy..
Scallini issue is different...i'm not talking about that.
yes there is..one of my coworkers told me that there is in an embassy..so im going there before 5 or 6 to check it out...
Ugh, hello! Wouldn't you think to share with us the details?
seeker of truth wrote:about what jillndave?
dont worry ill not go there to be a spy..
Scallini issue is different...i'm not talking about that.
yes there is..one of my coworkers told me that there is in an embassy..so im going there before 5 or 6 to check it out...
in disguise as a waiter with a concealed camera?!
gowiththeflowUK wrote:seeker of truth wrote:about what jillndave?
dont worry ill not go there to be a spy..
Scallini issue is different...i'm not talking about that.
yes there is..one of my coworkers told me that there is in an embassy..so im going there before 5 or 6 to check it out...
Ugh, hello! Wouldn't you think to share with us the details?
Max, the details? He's going to spend the evening driving around the DQ, looking for signs of life!
Yep, sounds like a good time to me ... can I come??
Alliecat wrote:seeker of truth wrote:yes there is..one of my coworkers told me that there is in an embassy..so im going there before 5 or 6 to check it out...
Well, you'd better be sure that it's not something that requires a 'sponsor' or tickets! Good luck--
sure its free..hehehe...
my friends told me it will gonna start by 6:00pm today...so i'll gonna check it out...
anyways...ill see about that when i reach there...
thanks btw
seeker of truth wrote:sure its free..hehehe...
my friends told me it will gonna start by 6:00pm today...so i'll gonna check it out...
anyways...ill see about that when i reach there...
thanks btw
Umm... anyone else heard of any 'free' events today in the DQ today that you can just turn up to??
sometimes embassies have 'bazaars' and things like that which are free and open to the public but since communication is so limited in Riyadh, it's easy not to know about them.
Let's hope seeker is right and finds something fun because he seems so excited about this that I hope it works out for him

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
Alliecat wrote:gowiththeflowUK wrote:seeker of truth wrote:about what jillndave?
dont worry ill not go there to be a spy..
Scallini issue is different...i'm not talking about that.
yes there is..one of my coworkers told me that there is in an embassy..so im going there before 5 or 6 to check it out...
Ugh, hello! Wouldn't you think to share with us the details?
Max, the details? He's going to spend the evening driving around the DQ, looking for signs of life!
Yep, sounds like a good time to me ... can I come??
I remember a student from another class knocking on our classroom door and asking, "Sir, can I take a chair, please?" Our grand old English Lit teacher, Mr Leon Belleth, looked at the young man and sais, "Young man, we are very sure that you CAN take a chair from this class but I have to say that you MAY NOT do so", and he turned around to one of us and sais "Tell him..." One of our classmates stood up and said, "Sir, May I take a chair, please".
The lesson was well taught and learned by one and all.
I have never forgotten it to date.
The Yanks are still learning....
yes..its in philippine embassy..start at 6pm today..so ill gonna check it out..
its free as far as i know...ill see what program they got... since its weekend..so free time!!!
if anyone wants to check it out too...see you there...
Alliecat wrote:sometimes embassies have 'bazaars' and things like that which are free and open to the public but since communication is so limited in Riyadh, it's easy not to know about them.
Let's hope seeker is right and finds something fun because he seems so excited about this that I hope it works out for him
yeah, thanks allie..i just called them from the embassy..and they confirmed it..
Seeker of Truth, please put your name down on your phillapino embassy mailing list so that they will be able to invite you to all of their functions.
Hope he is going to tell us how his evening went...starting with the two check points on his way in...
Sparrow wrote:starting with the two check points on his way in...
those check points are nothing compared to Salwa
Salwa but at least we remembered our Iqama's
Sparrow wrote:starting with the two check points on his way in...
Two check points for that event - I doubt it!
yeah there is two check point...
and they just let us in..i just came back
i have seen it...it was fun...they have modelling, then singing dancing...
i checked out scalini too..
for those looking for scalini: if u came from roundabout #3 when u reach roundabout number 2 just make a u turn then straight ahead..ull see an alraji atm to your right. enter the parking area near the atm.
that atm and parking area is just right in front of the building where scalini is...
I believe the Irish Embassy also had an event this evening..
(but ticket in advance only)...
Sparrow wrote:Seeker of Truth, please put your name down on your phillapino embassy mailing list so that they will be able to invite you to all of their functions.
Hope he is going to tell us how his evening went...starting with the two check points on his way in...
two check points..security guard there was very helpful..its really fun for me when im trying to communicate with arab people using my arabic carabao lol..
ive seen the embassy and the event plus the plaza and also scalini.. in scalini, the indian guy told us that if we want pizza better we order it from the store near scalini..he was telling that the pizza they offer has a price for example 40sr while on the store near beside scalini will cost only almost half the price. so he was informing to take pizza outside..
and also if you eat there..they gonna charge 15% more of the total price for table..it is mentioned on their receipt as service charge...
he was so upset if sometimes customer thought that they are keeping the service charge for themselves (he referring for "tip") and according to him actually, it is not, even a single halala..
he is a very honest...hahahaha
i feel sleepy now..good night!!!

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
i do not believe the roundabouts are numbered to follow seeker of truths GPS?
Seeker of Truth's GPS is brilliant - he is spot on. Circles are all numbered; we all got road names now...would help if you could read arabic numbers though.
Scalini's is btw cirlce 2 and 3. ATM in the middle of nowhere and a huge parking area. The ATM is to pay for the 15% service charge if you tell them you left your wallet anywhere.

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
Thats wonderful. Ive not visited the Highnesses in there for many months now. Used to travel often before when my girls were involved with the British Council and UNDP offices there. Not anymore.

So, the end result was that 'we' were confused by SoT's excitement. A little bit more information would have been useful, such as 'There is a function today at the Philippine Embassy'. Then if anyone was available they would have know where to go.
There is the truth and then there is the whole truth, Seeker of Truth.
Glad that you enjoyed it.
Maybe you should have that as your signature?
Dont worry Sparrow aside from numbers written in arabic there is also big numbers 2 and 3. For sure, u'll know it. i think still u cant pay if ur atm is lost together with your wallet.hahahaha
well, mr. musicman.i didn't ask u to believe me. i give the infos based on what i see.. just wait for monday and see it for yourself.
sorry jillndave, when i gather almost all the details were about an hour before the event. maybe next time. thanks btw.
oohh.. u mean it should be Seeker of Whole Truth?
We have just driven there to check out where it is and yes - SOT very good directions and detail. We got straight there so thank you for taking the time to share the information. Am looking forward to meeting you all there on Monday.
Seeker of Truth - I live here. And almost next to your embassy but I didnt want to gatecrash last night whilst you were watching the Miss Philopino win her title.
Glad you had fun cos thats the seeker of fun you were looking.
Miss Filipino? That's cool.
One thing I really admire about the Filipinos here is how they manage to have to much fun with so few resources.
oh really sparrow.. we should meet up yesterday and tour us around lol...
you should have seen it and checked it out...
thanks Allie... they try to squeeze their wallet just have this kind of event...hahaha
actually in philippines, there are events like this almost every feast in every town so they just want to continue on what they are used to.
mafe mushkila, gowiththeflowUK
good in following directions...
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