My Near-Brush With Greatness
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How I Survived the Papal Greeting Party in Quito
I was coming out of a Quito restaurant at 6 this evening on my street, Garcia Moreno, about four blocks from my condo in Centro Histórico. I asked two hotel doormen what was the hubbub going on at the corner (Garcia Moreno and Mejia).
They said the Pope would be arriving at 7. Mejia was marked off with 5-foot-high metal barricades manned by police, and a big crowd was already gathering. By big I mean every inch of the street was filled within 30 yards of the intersection.
As we waited for Su Santidad's arrival, the crowd continued to grow into the thousands...night fell as tall lights in the packed public square came on...and I started to get a sense of who was there for the greeting party.
It was mainly Ecuadorians and other South Americans, although a few Gringos -- maybe 2 percent -- were in the crowd. A schoolboy told me he and three others in his family had come in from Ambato, Ecuador, three hours away by their bus. Some middle-aged women there said they were from the EC coast, including Manta and Puerto Viejo.
Small boys and girls, aged about 3 to 7, sat on their padres' shoulders, the better to get a look at a papal driveby. Several young men spread throughout the crowd were holding up sticks with pennants attached, showing the Pontiff's likeness and a slogan...Bienvenido a Mi Pais...Bienvenido a Nuestro Hogar. Welcome to My Country...Welcome to Our Home.
It was a 62-degree F. night, but with the peaceful crowd packed so tight, people were starting to feel quite warm. The ice tea in a bottle I bought at 6 at Mi Comisario was keeping me hydrated. Best 65 centavos I've ever spent, I thought.
Just before 7, excitement started to build suddenly in the crowd. Hundreds of I-phones and the like were hoisted above people's heads, their monitors showing the crowded intersection as vehicle noises became audible.
Right at 7, the motorcade appeared ... El Papa and his séquito returning from the Quito airport and his afternoon in headed to his audience with El Supremo at the Palacio Presidencial about a block from where we were gathered.
The crowd whooped it up as the four vehicles including ambulance drove up Mejia and passed us.
One was a big white RV-style vehicle with some people visible sitting inside. None of them appeared to be wearing Papal robes. The other vehicles were closed off or darkened, not permitting a view inside.
Then it happened. The moment had passed and suddenly the peaceful crowd was moving in tandem toward the police barricades. Seemingly hundreds of people coming right at me in stampede mode.
I instantly realized the possibility of being pushed down and trampled, and I turned into NFL offensive lineman mode. I took a firm stance that did not allow me to be pushed over, until I successfully maneuvered over to a building exterior wall and relative, momentary safety. I made my way around the corner headed toward less-crowded Calle Venezuela as the crowd broke through the barricades and then the police started taking the barricades down.
Ten minutes later I was safely back at the condo. Whew!
I wondered, what will it be like tomorrow when 2-million are expected at the big Papal mass?
cccmedia in Quito