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Bummer morning.  Been watching a pigeon sitting on a nest for several weeks waiting to see the baby bird(s).  Tried not to look to much so I wouldn't scare the parent.  Last night got my first sighting.  One bird about the size of a petite womans fist.  It was looking scared and lonely.  I assumed the parent was out and about gathering whatever.  This AM looked out on the sill and it was dead.  BUMMER.

Mother nature can be cruel.  =(

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Was it a pigeon or a dove? 

Only doves where I live, plus the little tiny miniature sparrows and blackbirds with a yellow mark on their faces that make bizarre quacking-type noises!


Alliecat wrote:

Was it a pigeon or a dove? 

Only doves where I live, plus the little tiny miniature sparrows and blackbirds with a yellow mark on their faces that make bizarre quacking-type noises!

I have the tiny sparrows, they sit by my kitchen window and chirp away, which is very pleasent, but one of the yellow marked blackbirds bashes my lounge window with his beak every morning, which is sooooo annoying...


This might sound bizarre, but when I watch the black ones running around it is so easy to see that they are descended from dinosaurs (T-Rex, in particular). 

How the mighty have fallen! :lol:


Every year I get a family resting by the bathroom window sill. They do a good job of waking me up. Usually I find one dead and the others made it through. But I never find'em dead in the nest, either on the street, or like this year. On the balcony. Guess it's their first flight and some just don't make it.

As for that one in the nest, probably from the heat I would imagine.


Back home in Colombo we used to hang clay pots stuffed with straw with a large enough hole on its bottom, vertically on the backyard walls and the sparrows would come and nest in them.

And we always had a whole bunch of squirrels running all over the fruit trees and roofs. One specific Kingfisher used to visiut our backyard every single morning looking for his breakfast from the little fish pond that I loved so much, always choking with colorful tropical varieties from guppies, mollies to Siamese fighters. Mum always advised us to allow her enjoy her morning meal from our pond as our little swimmers were great breeders and never ever would have become extinct. Those were the days!

In Riyadh we did have the opportunity of seeing some of those teensy little fellers usually nested on our upper floor window sills. Many were the time we have seen them take their offspring being taught to fly and then move on into the desert sun.

Sometimes, even cats choose to litter in closed areas on the roof gardens of apartment buildings where they feel safe and secure for the event.

Observing nature is truly wonderful!

Nature doesn't suck, CivEngr. Its just the way it works, no different from its millions of species, including homo sapiens.

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