need some info on living conditions
harry_92 wrote:Hi I am from singapore and been in conakry for 10 years. how can i help you ? harry
Hi I am from singapore and been in conakry for 10 years. how can i help you ? harry
hello there.. Are you still leaving in Conakry? i need some info on living conditions, places to stay, is Conakry ideal for family with one kid?
Currently I am away but will return in Aug. Best is before you bring your family down, check the place out yourself then decide if it is ideal or not.
Hello there,Welcome on board justmat A new thread has been started with your posts on the Guinea Conakry forum so as you better interact.When do you plan to move to Guinea Conakry Justmat ? a little introduction will be most appreciated. Cheers,Bhavna
I need info for living in Conakry Kipe Area , I am seeking flat for rent for two person , could you help me ?
Hi, Bhavna My name is Omar from Turkey , I am searching a rental flat near Kipa , Could you help me ? and of course I need a friendship for my new location ) I will be alone