
Desperately Seeking Flat to Rent


Hi to all! We arived in Malta 20 July and are staying in Holiday Accommodation in Bugibba. I have been reading these blogs for quite a few months to prepare for our move here. Well, I thought I was well prepared but it would seem not. We have been trying to find long let accommodation but have been given nothing but the run around from estate agents to the point where we have now run out of time and have to move out of the place we booked without having found anything. Does anybody perhaps know of long let accomodation available or an estate agent that can deliver on his/her promises?? Any area in the North will do. We have a budget of 450 to 500.

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in MaltaBuying a property in MaltaAccommodation in GozoAccommodation in Saint Julian's

Everyone has their own opinion about personal estate agents,but I'd recommend going to the Dhalia office in Qawra and speaking to Darren.


SunshineLover2011 wrote:

Everyone has their own opinion about personal estate agents,but I'd recommend going to the Dhalia office in Qawra and speaking to Darren.

Thanks so much. We did phone the office and asked for him a few days ago. Was told he will phone us but did not receive a reply. I guess its best to go in person then.


in a reality it will be unlikely your going to find a property in the north at this time of the year for 450-500 euros purely because its the summer and landlords will be making the most of the holiday makers and especially as next month is august property will be like hot cakes.

have you looked on malta park ? … tegory=247

looking at the long lets should help you but you need to be on about 8 in the morning go and view asap and agree to move pretty much straight away as people move fast .

i hope you get something sorted soon  and maybe be prepared to rent short-term till october november time when the properties will be cheaper even in the north


We have been on Maltapark as well, same problem with agents not keeping appointments. But I do understand about it being holiday season so not much available. Bit of a catch 22 as we wanted to be here now because of the availability of temp jobs. Guess we should up our budget then? Where can we find short term letting? They all want 6 months minimum


look at the short-let tab on malta park , look at owners direct , airbnb etc etc

how many of there is you ?


anitaE,try asking in local shops,bars ,if they know anyone who lets appts,etc,i found one in melleiha,i asked in a local shop in the morning moved in three days later and no deposit,rent 400 euros monthly,its worth a try,good luck,   dave


Ok. I am going to look on there! Its myself and my husband. We have one more appointment for tomorrow morning for an apartment in Xemxija through an agent. I will keep my hopes up!


Thanks Dave! Will try that tonight.


try northern properties st,pauls bay,  dave


Hello I can help you if you want


You know of flats available?


Thank you everyone for all your advice and kindness! We managed to secure the apartment in Xemjia and will have a roof over our heads for the next few months. Just to add: the estate agent is a lovely lady called Marija from Simon Estates. I definitely reccommend her. And there was no 18% Vat on the commission as the others tried to con us into :-)


glad you sorted somewhere :)


AnitaE wrote:

Thank you everyone for all your advice and kindness! We managed to secure the apartment in Xemjia and will have a roof over our heads for the next few months. Just to add: the estate agent is a lovely lady called Marija from Simon Estates. I definitely reccommend her. And there was no 18% Vat on the commission as the others tried to con us into :-)

18% vat on the charge made by the agent, (usually 50% of the monthly rental) is not a con it is a legal requirement!



great news,good to hear all is ok,enjoy malta,i love it,  dave


Sorry to hear about your plight.  I have no solution but in my search for a flat I will take you advice.  I am working on moving to Malta with a first visit this winter from Des Moines, Iowa.  Will scout around and see which area I like.  If Hillary Clinton or Bush become pres I will be over much sooner!
I hope by now you have been successful in finding a replacement location.  I read down this discussion thread and came across a 400 euro flat in Sliena.  Not north but available.
What line of work are you guys in?  What prompted you to move to Malta? Opening a chocolate shop? I am interested in the climate and getting rid of Iowa winters and heat and tornadoes and mosquitoes.  I do historic preservation here and the stone work of the islands is of interest along with ship building.  I ran shipyards on the west coast for 15 years, fished king crab in the Bering Sea for 5 so those shipyards will most likely see me will the chocolate shops.
Maybe we can meet when I get there.  Would be nice to have an acquaintance upon my first visit.
Good luck and have a wonderful time in Malta.  Shoot.....I just read beneath this that you have found a place.  wonderful.  I will contact Marja right away!  Tx.
Mark Rockey


F0xgl0ve wrote:
AnitaE wrote:

Thank you everyone for all your advice and kindness! We managed to secure the apartment in Xemjia and will have a roof over our heads for the next few months. Just to add: the estate agent is a lovely lady called Marija from Simon Estates. I definitely reccommend her. And there was no 18% Vat on the commission as the others tried to con us into :-)

18% vat on the charge made by the agent, (usually 50% of the monthly rental) is not a con it is a legal requirement!


Not if u pay cash lol


rockiowa wrote:

I am interested in the climate and getting rid of Iowa winters and heat and tornadoes and mosquitoes.

perhaps you may not want to consider malta then ...
ok we dont have tordandoes but we do have heat and mosquitoes  and cockroaches and flying ants etc