
Libya's driving me further down the slope of insanity

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Last night I had a dream in which I was standing in the middle of a large store that sold only organic fruits, vegetables and cheeses. I somehow knew that it was in Tripoli.

I distinctly remember seeing rows of firm asparagus and large artichokes, and patches of grape-size blueberries (there were other berries too, but I'm not sure what they were), and everything was...hmm...glisteningly fresh.

Today I spent all day surfing chowhound and pretending that steamed zucchini tastes like grilled squash.


See also

Living in Libya: the expat guideLooking for teaching job in Tripoli, LibyaWhats a good salary in Libya?Sending / transfer money outside LibyaAge limit for work

Self 1: But at least I can conveniently get camel meat here, no?

Self 2: Right, so what are you going to do when the novelty wears off?

Self 1: Uuhhh...

Self 2 (interrupting): That's what I thought. Here, you want some almonds?

Self 1: See? You've been living off of almonds for the last six months. What are YOU going to do when the novelty wears off?

Self 2: Shut up! you wimpish boor.

...both selves promptly scuffle while Self 3 watches and laughs: ha ha ha, save some for tomorrow, you idiots, or my burpees might hurt you.


Mo, you are indeed quite correct.

I dream of Sainsbo's Cornish Brie mmmmmmm


When's the last time you were in the US Mo?


When I flew back from Germany last month, security stopped me to check my carry on luggage. Aside from several blocks of Haloumi, I was carrying a head of Broccoli the size of a football.
"Where are you flying to ?" asked the German security guy.
"Libya", says I
"Don't they have Broccoli in Libya?" he asked
"Not this big they don't" :)


Hey Mo

I know how you feel.  Sounds as if you need some R&R state side.



Thebigtuna wrote:

When's the last time you were in the US Mo?

long long time ago, I can still remember how that music used to make me, wait....whatever...but yah, it was relatively a long time: 1/25/2010

:whistle: ...sing it!, songa da south, sweet potato pie and I shut my mouth... :whistle:

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