
anyone married to a chinese guy?


is there anyone whose married to a chinese guy here?

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nikenstut wrote:

is there anyone whose married to a chinese guy here?

Wow great question. Well i am a man so i will say no but i am interested in your question. Im studying human relationships and im here to learn and try to help. can you tell me more? JW


well, actually i'm an indonesian married to a chinese guy

currently me and my husband living in jakarta, indonesia but planning to move for good to china next year. i'm posting this thread because i heard if a chinese woman want to give birth to a child then she have to get sort of letter from the government declaring that she is "eligible" for giving birth to the child, or in chinese called zhun sheng zheng (准生证)
i'm just wondering whether anyone married to a chinese guy,and having child in china, does she have to get this letter too?



nikenstut wrote:

well, actually i'm an indonesian married to a chinese guy

currently me and my husband living in jakarta, indonesia but planning to move for good to china next year. i'm posting this thread because i heard if a chinese woman want to give birth to a child then she have to get sort of letter from the government declaring that she is "eligible" for giving birth to the child, or in chinese called zhun sheng zheng (准生证)
i'm just wondering whether anyone married to a chinese guy,and having child in china, does she have to get this letter too?


Wow! good question. What would happen if you are already pregnant? JW


then your child would not be able to have hukou (户口), second important thing after your ID card. and maybe would not be able to get the child's birth certificate
hukou would be needed to registry for school, getting passport, applying for a job and getting bank account i think :)


so if you get pregnant you can apply and if you dont get it then it means child will become homeless? JW


the one who can apply for this letter is chinese citizen only, since the letter can only issued if you present the mother's hukou to government

so i am curious on how can i get this letter while i don't have hukou?

and yeah, if you don't have hukou the child cannot be registered as chinese citizen, and he might not have any chance to study in china

btw, all the information i got from chinese websites, and these are the conclusion i made by myself, so i am hoping there will be anyone who has the same issue as mine can tell me how to solve this problem



Good luck with this issue. JW


your child can go to the private school, there are a lot of good private schools in big cities.and i think zhunshengzhen has nothing to do with applying for a job or getting bank account .
by the way, money can solve all of these problems


haha thats how it works in Mexico as well. JW


Michelle1118: i know my future child can go to private school, but if he/ she can go to government school it would be better :)

as i said before, hukou would be needed to registry for school, getting passport, applying for a job and getting bank account, but not zhunshengzheng :)

and yeah, money can solve anything, my husband also said so. but, if i can go through the proper way it would be better

thanks by the way! :)

Nadia Yang

i didt come here long time. its a interesting issure. i will check the regulation then post here.


i think firstly you need to tell us what is your husband's nationality now? does his HUKOU in somewhere of china? if not, maybe his nationality should move back to china, since he was Chinese and has relatives here, it is easy to apply for I think. and then you have choices. A:buy a house or an apartment in the city where you both are gonna live, and apply for the hukou in the bureau of public security. If he is specializing in some fields or he is gonna invest certain money in doing business in china. The application of hukou will be easy. B: find a job such as doctor in a public governmental department. The hospital will deal with the hukou for him. and under this situation, buying a house is not necessary coz your hukou could be kept in your working place. Anyway, we should find a place to locate the hukou. But meanwhile since he is working for governmental department, you could only have one child due to the ONE-CHILD policy in china, otherwise your husband will lose his job as a punishment. If he is not an official worker, the situation is much better if having the second baby coz he just will be punished by certain money .
Once your husband has hukou in the city, then your first baby could have hukou.
Actually, this issue could be pretty complicated. And as your husband is Chinese, why doesn’t he check it on his own by calling the bureau of public security? He can also get this information from the official website.
Plus: I don’t think hukou has something to do with opening bank account, we only need identification or passport to open the bank card.  And it has little thing to do with finding a job, maybe just a little bit. Finding a job depends on your ability but not on your hukou. For the most part, there is no discrimination with people who have no hukou in local place when finding a job.


michelle 1118: my husband is China citizen, he has Shenzhen hukou.
We did try to give a call to Shenzhen's min zheng ju, the bureau of public security, or anything sounds like that, and they have no answer on this. we have called about 2 months ago, and they reply is: please wait for their phone call, they need to discuss on this issue first. and up till now, still no phone call from them :(
government's official website tells us to call directly to their number, and still, no information about this

you mention about "Once your husband has hukou in the city, then your first baby could have hukou."
does this means if i have a child then he/she will automatically get the Shenzhen hukou too? can you please tell me where did you get this information from, is it reliable? if really do so then we will be super duper happy :):):)


Nadia Yang

in regard to how to get a chinese nationality for a new baby:
Article 3 The People's Republic of China does not recognize dual nationality for anyChinese national.
Article 4 Any person born in China whose parents are both Chinese nationals  or  oneof whose parents is a Chinese national shall have Chinese nationality.
Article 5 Any person born abroad whose parents are both Chinese nationals or one  ofwhose parents isa Chinese national shall have Chinese nationality. But  aperson whose p
arents are both Chinese  nationals  and  have  both  settledabroad, or one of whose parents is a  Chinese  national  and  has  settledabroad, and who has acquired foreign nationality at birth shall  not  haveChinese
Article 6 Any person born in China whose  parents  are  state less  or  of  uncertainnationality and have settled in China shall have Chinese nationality.


nadia yang: do you have the link? if you have the chinese version would be better :)


Nadia Yang

information about id:
Law of the people's Republic of China on Resident Identity Cards
Article 9 When going through the formalities of permanent residence registration, compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan who move to resettle down on the mainland, or overseas Chinese who return to reside in China, or foreign nationals or stateless persons who reside within the territory of the People's Republic of China is restored upon approval shall, in accordance with the provisions in this Law, apply for resident identity cards.

Nadia Yang

how many children are u allowed to have ?

Population and Family Planning Law of the People's Republic of China
 Article 18 The State maintains its current policy for reproduction, encouraging late marriage and childbearing and advocating one child per couple. Where the requirements specified by laws and regulations are met, plans for a second child, if requested, may be made. Specific measures in this regard shall be formulated by the people's congress or its standing committee of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government.
Article 41 Citizens who give birth to babies not in compliance with the provisions of Article 18 of this Law shall pay a social maintenance fee prescribed by law.

requirments of have more than two children i will post here later

Nadia Yang

i do have the chinese information but i thought u guys wanna english version


hahaha the link would be useful for me since i will be living there in the future :p


Once your husband has hukou in the city, then your first baby could have point is:

i am so curious why your case is so complicated , i think obviously your husband can get the zhunshengzheng from the local juweihui(居委会), and then you give birth to the baby in hospital of china, the hospital will give u the birth certification(出生证明), after that, your husband can bring his hukou , zhunshengzheng and birth certification to the bureau of public security , they will give the hukou to your baby.


i think your husband should phone the local juweihui where his hukou is , if he can get the zhunshengzheng from there, then things are clear.


Michelle 1118: i have mentioned before, the one who can apply for this letter (zhunshengzheng) is china citizen only, since the letter can only issued if you present the mother's hukou to government. i am not a china citizen, i am Indonesian. so i don't have hukou and it's impossible for me to apply

yesterday i called china embassy in Indonesia, and they said it's not an easy thing to get a hukou for my child, my child would need a certain amount of time (maybe over than few years, they didn't mention) living in China then i can apply a hukou for him/ her. can't apply this hukou right after his/her birth

Nadia Yang

if u have called embassy.i think their information is trustworth. but maybe still have some different in real