
How do you rate life in Guangzhou?


My husband and I might be moving to Guangzhou with our one year old. My partner has been offered a job there but I'm guessing it may be hard for me to find work (I work in communications).

What's life like there as an expat's wife?

Is Guangzhou a good city to live in?

Is it good for kids?

See also

Living in Guangzhou: the expat guideany tamil peoples in guangzhouFinding employees in GuangzhouWorking Visa China HIV PositiveMoving to Taicheng Subdistrict, Taishan

What's life like there as an expat's wife?---->Life is what you make of it.
Is Guangzhou a good city to live in?-->it is hard to say, but people here are friendly and nice,especially to foreigners, and government is working on the environmental pollution treatment and restructuring the roads, houses and public infrastructures due to the coming Asian Games, in other words, city has become much more beautiful than before i think.
is it good for kids?-->also depends on your judgement, some say the educational system is not as good as western countries coz it is old fashioned and strict, but others hold their opinions that china has long history and good rich cultural depoists. to me, i think it is good for kids to have both western and eastern cultural education if possible. it is pretty cool, isn't it?  but as you may know ,considering the population of china, guangzhou is crowded, that means perhaps your kid may not have space as big as he or she has to play around. but you can choose to live far away from the downtown of the city.
finding a job--> i have no idea about this, but i know it is quite easy to find a job as an english teacher if your english is good. an increasing number of chinese wanna to learn english . tons of english training centers you can find.


Thanks for your response, I like your positive outlook!

Sounds like you love Guangzhou.


But after Asian Games, government will not continue  working on the environmental pollution treatment and restructuring the roads, houses and public infrastructures.