Cost of living in Senegal

Hi everybody,
It would be very useful to talk about the cost of living in Senegal.
Don't forget to mention where in Senegal you are living.
How much does it cost to live in Senegal?
> accommodation prices
> public transportation fares (tube, bus etc ...)
> food prices(per month, how much does it cost you?)
> health prices (for those who need medical insurance)
> eduction prices (if you need to pay)
> energy prices (oil, electricity)
> common bills (Internet, television, telephone, mobile phone)
> prices of a good menu in a traditional restaurant
> prices of a beer and or a coffee in a regular pub
> price of the cinema
Do not hesitate to add items to this list!
Thanks in advance for your participation!!
How do I find out the answers to the questions listed? This is my first attempt to blog and need help. Our 24 yo female daughter is a dental student who will be doing an eight week internship in Dakar for two months and needs safe and economical housing during this time. Welcome any suggestions. Thanks so much, NancyFlorida
Hello Nancy
I will help no problem. ny name is Aziz. Senegal is a open country with a tradition of hospitality. I am reachable at ***or email at***
adiagne, maybe you could help us with the above questions?
Hello Julien,
Yes I will, just tell me what kind of appartment she wants and where
will she stands in Dakar. For my part I am ready to help her. Because
I was student like her and important thing is also my brother was
graduated in Florida State university and he was helped by one
american family. Be sure that your daughter wont have problem in
Dakar. So give following information I will help:
- Do Nancy want to stay with me, I have appt in center of Dakar
- IF not, just tell me what kind of appt he wants (how many rooms..)
and where or tell where he will do his internship.
- For transportation no problem I have a car, I will help, Each day I
can take her to his school
I am very pleased to help u.
Kind Regards
I was talking about the cost of living in senegal (first post)
Julien and Adiagne, So appreciate your offer to help. Please email me info at Thanks so much, Nancy
I have sent u today informations in ur mailbox.
Regarding your query on cost of living. (1USD = 460CFA approx)
A typical furnished accomodation in a fairly decent place will be around
400,000CFA francs for a one bedroom, hall,kitchen,toilets, independent apart fully furnished, and includes utility charges also.
For a two bedroom set it will cost additional 100,000/- additional.
To give you an idea of the cost of food items
A loaf of bread is 800-1000CFA
1 litre milk - 800 CFA
Chicken - 3000 CFA/kg
eggs- 2000CFA for a c/!\ I AM A STUPID SPAMMER /!\0 eggs).
Mineral water 10 litres -1000CFA
butter - 1250 CFA for 125grms
coke 1.5 litres cost 550 CFA
Beef - 2200/kg
It is better to use taxis
A taxi cost charges is min of 500CFA to max of 2000CFA based on distance. 2000CFA for 8-10 km.
Communication charges:
international call 170/min
Internet is 25000CFA/month for 512kpbs connection
Sanil, Appreciate your informative response. Thank you for taking the time to respond, NancyFlorida
Is there anyone that can help with the cost of living for senegal as i am from South Africa and i am doing rechearch on all African Countries
How cool is that???
Thanx all
Hi everyone
If one wants to rent a place for about 3 months in Dakar, in a safe neighborhood with a waterview- what area of Dakar would have that for a reasonable price?
Thanks, hope to hear back soon!
These answers have been very useful for me. I am in the United States but I am about to pay someone in Senegal for some research work long-distance and I am trying to figure out the appropriate amount of money to pay.
How much would a few hours of academic-type research or translation work be in Senegal? Either by the hour or in general what people get paid for that kind of work.
Hello I am a student at the University of Dakar may be I could do this travailmais what do you need exactly thank you for your response
Hey ya'll
I'm living in Dakar, Senegal. Please keep in mind that the prices are not set in stone they change and you can always talk them down on certain products. oh yeah what something may cost in one part of Senegal even if you're in one part of Dakar you can go to another section and have to deal with a different scale.
+ accommodation prices
*Furnished apartments/homes can range anywhere from 400,000cfa to 3,000,000cfa a month which comes out to about $800.00 to $6,000.00. It all depends on the neighborhood the most expensive being in North Dakar
*Unfurnished apartments/homes for 50,000 cfa ( a ranky dank room where you probably have to share bathroom and kitchen) to 1,000,000+ cfa a month. $100 to $2,000+. Again this depends on the area you are looking at. Luckily there are plently of apartments in reasonable range.
* Furniture is easy to come by there are many stores that sell modern furniture or you can buy handmade furniture which are sturdy but not very comfortable sold on the side of the roads. And plenty of used furniture I'll post the prices next time I go out and get a chance to ask.
* A foam bed is about 35,000 = 70usd
+ public transportation
* Taxi's (tip: if you look like an outsider or coming from the airport take half of what they offer and that is probably close to how much the ride really is). A ride lasting no more than 5-10 minutes should be no more than 500cfa - mil franc about $1 to $2. They are going to try to hike the price as high as possible so best thing to do in Dakar when you dont like the price offered or if they dont accept the price you offer is to WALK AWAY!! 9 and a half times out of 10 they'll come after you and accept.
*Buses ( Dakar Dem Dikk) 100-200cfa about 60 cents
* Car Rapid (Colorful old buses) depend on distance 50cfa to 200cfa about 10 cents to 25 cents
*Colando( carspool) about 50-500cfa depending on distance
* Naga N'dye Sp? ( white bigger form of car rapide) the travel out of the city anywhere from 50cfa up a block to 2,500cfa Dakar to touba
+ food prices
* This is only based on my household where everything is cooked from scratch and my grandmoother does the shopping so she always get good deals. 100,000 cfa about $210 a month. For a bag of rice, coffee, butter, tomato paste, peanut butter, chocolate spread, spices, dried fish/seafood, and fresh vegetables,local cereal, powdered milk. It's cheaper to buy a sheep or cow have someone slaughter it for you and cut it up and freeze it, buying half a pound is 1,000 cfa about $2. Fish is super cheap, cheaper at the cornish when the fishermen bring it in than at market or when they sell it door to door. Important : Dont forget to haggle with food too. They might buge much with vegetables but works great with buying fish and sheep.
+ energy prices
*Propane Tanks which is need to cook. The little one now cost about 3,500cfa ($7) and the big one 7,000 ($14). But first you have to but the tank which is usually double what it takes to recharge it. Best to wait until you get here for the price, it fluxuate.
*Oil- I'll get back to this one
*Electricity- Expensive, doesnt matter where you live
+ common bills
*Internet : There are 3 different companies here Orange(Sonatel), Expresso, Tigo. For Orange first instalation cost about 50,000 cfa for box line and internet, and about 19,800 cfa every month ($40). They also sell Internet usb's for 15,000 = 30 usd, you just buy cards as you would for your phone
*television : free for basic channels , for cable rdv excaf is the cheapest 10,000 cfa = 20usd a month but the box plus installation is about 100usd
*mobile phone : buy a small cell phone for 10,000 - 20,000 ($20-$40) and you just buy credit from any corner store
> prices of a good menu in a traditional restaurant 5,000 cfa ($10) should cover 1 person's food, drink 500 cfa = 1 usd for soda and 3usd for beer.
I'll be expanding on this topic soon!!
Any specific questions just post 'em
Hi all,
I got a job offer (Still processing) for the location of West Africa (Seneal , Mali, Ghambia) for the post Engineer. The offer is 2500US$ per month after tax. They will provide the Accomodation, Medical, Mobile Phone Charging, Internet. Is it favorable? I need to saving the money also.
Please anyone kindly advice me.
I am on a $1600 us budget forfamily with 5 children. Is there anywhere in Senegal that I could afford to raise family safely?
Thanks Bella88,
I like to ask some more questions:))
Can I manage my life there in English, I cannot speak French.
Can I buy apt.unit as a Canadian citizen.
If so, how much cost would be some 100.000-200.000 CFA rental income properties
Are they selling properties to foreigners ?
Is there a correlation between rental income and worth of the units.
How is the inflation rate in Senegal.
Can I take credits from local banks such a mortgage for that apt.unit.
Thanks in advance.
Bonjour Trusty,
1.) And NO, you can not manage life here without speaking atleast conversational french, even if you mastered the more widely spoken language wolof. Espicallly if you plan on doing business here. Luckily there are classes here you can take.
2.) Yes, you can buy condos, homes and land here. Many expats in the Saly, Somone area in Thies.
3.) I dont understand your question about the rental income properties. Do you want to know if you can rent an apartment for 100 thousand- 200 thousand cfa? if so than yes.
4.) Yes but it's best you find a local relator that way you can make sure you get the proper papers and pay the right price.
5.) Dont get you're asking about the correlation thing either. Yes certain neighbors cost more because of location and 'who' lives there, but there are other parts you can find an apartment 500.000 cfa a month next to an apartment 150.000 cfa a month. the only difference: amineties (sp?) and how the apartment looks on the inside and out.
6.) Inflation rate: something you'll have to ask and send to minister of economy.
7.)Not sure about credit either might have to call banks and ask.
Hope this helps a little.
Hi everyone,
I got a job offer from Senegal, Dakar as an expat with a pay of 5.5-6000 USD per month (All inclusive, Tax inclusive). Could you guys suggest if its a fair offer?
Also if you can give me a rough idea of living expenses per month (current approx rates) of two people family (with wife) like accomodation, transport, medical, visa fee, cell phone, internet etc?
Plus, more importantly what is the usuall tax ratio that is applied on pay? i-e how much tax would I have to pay from my salary?
In other words comparitively, which offer would be better, 6K USD p/m all inclusive in Senegal or 7K USD p/m all inclusive in Ghana? depending upon the amount I save out of everything per month?
Thanks you, have a nice day.
Best Regards.
I would like to know if this prices changed nowadays.
I'm thinking about moving to Senegal- I already have a job (I'm a translator, i work at home doing (moderated: no free ads please), so I can literally work anywhere), so what I'm trying to figure out is if I need a work visa or with just a regular visitor visa would do it to start there the first 3 months...
bufi wrote:Hi everyone,
I got a job offer from Senegal, Dakar as an expat with a pay of 5.5-6000 USD per month (All inclusive, Tax inclusive). Could you guys suggest if its a fair offer?
Also if you can give me a rough idea of living expenses per month (current approx rates) of two people family (with wife) like accomodation, transport, medical, visa fee, cell phone, internet etc?
Plus, more importantly what is the usuall tax ratio that is applied on pay? i-e how much tax would I have to pay from my salary?
In other words comparitively, which offer would be better, 6K USD p/m all inclusive in Senegal or 7K USD p/m all inclusive in Ghana? depending upon the amount I save out of everything per month?
Thanks you, have a nice day.
Best Regards.
Hello, I don't know if you have recieved response to your request and if you have already taken your decision. I am Ghanaian and working as a consultant. I will be in Dakar for 8 months from next month.
Like you, I am still wondering about the tax regime in Senegal. In Ghana there are two options and depending on your employment status, you have the opportunity to benefit. Consultants and Personal Level Contracts pay just 5% witholding tax. That is the flexibility for such contract.
Serching for information, I think in Senegal it is not like that. The tax is applied accross board per hoe much you earn. When I did the calculation, for someone earning between 5,000-6,000 you shouldn't be expeting to pay less than 15%.
I guess the Ghana job will give you mor cash into your pocket. However accomodation n Ghana is also quite expensive. You should be expecting to pay from $1000 to about $4000 depending on where u wanna live. Also the system in Ghana demands at least 1 year advance payment, unlike Senegal where you can pay monthly.
I hope I am able to help.
That was excellent information on the cost of living. Can we get a 2015 update?
Hello Trina
On the francophone version of the forum, we have more information about cost of living.
Try this thread out with google translate to gather up to date infos while waiting for members to revert back here :
> Coût de la vie au Sénégal – 2015
I'll check it out in French. I need to keep working on my language skills...Thank you.
Hello all,
It's been very helpful to read all your questions and responses. I'm hoping to do some research in Dakar and wanted to work with a student with some translation, transcribing and general interview facilitation. How much should I budget to pay them?
Any help is much appreciated.
this is for Dakar correct? I will be in Kaolack
God bless you Bella88. Can i directly send questions to you also? I promise not to be taxing..:-). My email is ***
Thank you so much for your excellent cost of living breakdown.
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Hi All,
Is a Net Salary of 5000 USD per month + Accomodation + Car + Food / daily utility expenses ( like washing clothes , ironing , cleaning etc) a good salary in Senegal?
I plan to move alone to Dakar in some time. Look forward to your responses.
Dear mehul
u r wellcome to senegal
you can rent a apartment $400 to $1500.
depend on area u choose.
Mehul007 wrote:Hi All,
Is a Net Salary of 5000 USD per month + Accomodation + Car + Food / daily utility expenses ( like washing clothes , ironing , cleaning etc) a good salary in Senegal?
I plan to move alone to Dakar in some time. Look forward to your responses.
With the accomodation and all, very good salary
Hi All,
I hv a job offer in Senegal for Industries Chimiques du Sénégal (I.C.S.). Some one please help me about the company status and details. Also i wanted to know that a Net Salary of 3000 USD per month + Accommodation + Transport + insurance etc. will be a good enough salary for Senegal?
Looking forward to your responses.
I hv both the option open but preferably i will shift alone.
if the school is in, it could be ok, not luxury life but ok. It would be better if you can have more. Without school, forget it.
Thank you so much for your valuable inputs. It means a lot.... thank you 🙋♂️
Do you have any idea about ICS
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