
Princess Noura University


Hi all!
My name is Salima and I live in Ottawa, Canada.  I do plan on going abroad for a year or two to pursue teaching English as a second language.  I got a phone call back from Princess Noura University but I was unable to pick up and it went through to my voicemail and they requested phone interview.

I've read all the previous posts about this university and I am not so excited in going anymore- Bell? I havent heard anything bad about them before. 

I really would appreciate the input and tips anyone could give me, it won't be an easy thing for me to leave Ottawa and I don't want to make my stay in Riyadh miserable also!
Thanks to all in advance

See also

Study in RiyadhStudent life in RiyadhStudy in Saudi ArabiaSchools for your kids (age 3-12)Schools in Riyadh

My colleague still has has a friend working there who said the conditions are as nightmarish as they were two years ago.

I'll PM.


If you've read all the posts on the place, and believe them, what more information can you actually use.

I wouldn't want any member of my family working there, nor any of my friends.

Look elsewhere, you'll surely be happier.


Alliecat wrote:

My colleague still has has a friend working there who said the conditions are as nightmarish as they were two years ago.

I'll PM.

YIKES!! by the looks of it, it seems like the worst thing I can do at the moment..


MisterStretch wrote:

If you've read all the posts on the place, and believe them, what more information can you actually use.

I was wondering if anything has changed though, what exactly are the issues?!

Thanks for the tip though and I'll keep it in mind, I appreciate everyones honesty :)


Salloumz wrote:
MisterStretch wrote:

If you've read all the posts on the place, and believe them, what more information can you actually use.

I was wondering if anything has changed though, what exactly are the issues?!

Thanks for the tip though and I'll keep it in mind, I appreciate everyones honesty :)

well firstly, i live across the road...


Saq-81 wrote:
Salloumz wrote:
MisterStretch wrote:

If you've read all the posts on the place, and believe them, what more information can you actually use.

I was wondering if anything has changed though, what exactly are the issues?!

Thanks for the tip though and I'll keep it in mind, I appreciate everyones honesty :)

well firstly, i live across the road...

you shud get yourself a pair of binocs and take a look out of your window once in a while, Saq


well, someone must have warned them about me MM cos we dont have any windows !!! :lol:

Fatmah Ayudhia Amani

My name is Fatmah Ayudhia Amani. I was born in Jakarta, July 5th 1994. I am Indonesian. I want to apply for University of Naura Bint Abdurrahman Al-Saud. I did my IGCSE last year on October and this Year on June. Cambridge IGCSE ( International General Certificate of Secondary Education ) is the world's most popular international curriculum for 14 - 16 year olds. It develops successful students, giving them excellent preparation for their next steps in education, including progression to the Cambridge Advanced stage, both Cambridge International A/AS Levels and Cambridge Pre-U. Cambridge IGCSE is recognised by universities and employers worldwide. I'm still waiting for the result on August. Can I have the requirements for college? Can I live in there without my dad or brother? How to apply? give me the information. Thank You.

Contact me: +628159197748



        i am Qeeenzia, female Software Engineer from riyadh,staying with my husband, looking for a job in Princess Naura University, how can i apply for a job ? is there any agency selecting candidates frpm here?



Can anybody tell me the official web address of princess noura university? I am from Bangladesh. My sister is highly interested to admit in this reputed university. I need some information for this reason. Please anybody tell me where can I get the university information.