Used Four Wheel Drives
Recently I have been assisting a fellow Expat who bought a used 4x4. People buy a 4x4 for various reasons; just in case I need it, or for off road use. I have owned many 4x4s and as a rule I drove them as if I had stolen them. A 4x4 is made for other than normal use, but when you use it for serious off road use it accelerates wear and tear considerably.
Unfortunately many used 4x4s have been "rode hard, and out away wet". They have been used and abused, modified etc. The problem is that if a regular system of maintenance and repair is not instituted they become worn and unreliable.
So here's the scenario; 1991 Nissan Patrol 4x4. The engine will crank/ turn over but will not run. The fuel gauge says there is a 3/4 tank of gas. There are three things needed for an engine to run; Fuel, Air, and Spark.
OK, you need to understand that you need to follow the procedure/steps as given.. A WARNING, is a risk of potential personal injury, a CAUTION, is a potential risk of equipment damage.
Step #1
With the emergency/parking brake on/set, and the transmission in neutral, open the hood. "WARNING" NO SMOKING. Keep hands and tools clear of moving engine parts. No loose clothing should be worn.
Step #2
"WARNING", Remove key from ignition and put in "Your" pocket.
From the passenger side of the vehicle, remove the wing nuts and remove the air cleaner cover.
Step #3
From the passenger side, lean over engine and look into carburetor. There will be a round opening, one side will have a plate in it. The plate should be open or vertical. If plate is horizontal or closed, push manual choke "In" to open it. Plate should now be vertical, if not, open by hand. It should remain open, in the vertical position.
If the plate was closed, and is now open try to start engine. If engine runs, it was not getting air, and there may be an issue with the manual choke. If engine runs, stop here.There are also four to five vacuum hoses connected to the carburetor. Ensure all connections are attached at both ends. This may require the removal of the air cleaner assembly. If not running continue to step #4.
Step #4
"WARNING", Remove key from ignition and put in "Your" pocket. Bend over the engine and listen, while an assistant pumps the accelerator/gas pedal two to three times, . You should hear fuel being sprayed into the carburetor. Did you hear the spraying sound? YES/NO.
From this we know that fuel is in the carburetor, and the fuel pump should be working and the fuel filter is not clogged. If you hear no spraying of fuel, stop here.... If you do, continue to step #5.
Continued on next post....