
interested in moving to Belize


Hi ihad my eye on Mexico but im hearing too many controversial things so now im interested in Moving to Belize and would like to know what area offers the lowest cost lifestile i know someone here must know a retired Maintenance Mechanic Widowed over a year ago and ready to go on with my life At this time im in lufkin Texas.

See also

Living in Belize: the expat guideMy pension letters.Planning on visiting for possible permanent livungLife changesCell Phones in Belize

Hello David, the San Ignacio area has a large expat population, and is not to expensive. Market day on Saturday is a good time to meet people. Feel free to contact me.


Hi Mary i havent forgotten you just working from day to day  i am trying to decide if i should fly to Belize or try to get on a Cruise headed that way if that is possible i know you have a lot going on so i will be in touch later. Have a good evening. 



I don`t think the cruse ships do one way, bus or plane. Check out flights to Cancun they are suppose to be cheaper, then you just take a bus from there to Belize, its about 5 hours to the border from Cancun. Have you checked out trip adviser its a web site or both have forums you can ask questions on. I live in the San Ignacio area. Mary


The cost of lifestyle in Belize is a matter of choices.  If you want to maintain some semblence of gringo ambiance, I would suggest you check out the Corozol area.  It is right across from Chetumal, MX, and has a lively community,it is close to US type stores (Sams and the MX version of Wal-Mart - right across the border)and is a mostly English speaking community.  There are a number of ex-pats there.  If you are handy, and want to work, you might even find that you can pick up quite a bit of work. I would strongly suggest that you rent for a while.  If you are looking for a beach front, very small laid back community, still with quite a few gringos, check out Hopkins.  It is a l-o-n-g way from the bright lights, but some people really love it.  Be prepared that gas tops US $5 a gallon; power and clean drinking water are considered luxuries and are priced as such. Any kind of US type food is heavily taxed and marked up.  The local chicken and pork are good, but there is no such thing as a steak. Red meats are gamey and tough. You can eat cheaply there is you eat the local stewed chicken, beans and rice.   Belize, oddly, forbids the import of fresh vegetables, so even though you are next door to the fruit and vegetable baskets of the world, you get moldy, soft, half spoiled veggies.  Primary health care is much better than you would expect and very, very cheap.  You need to keep your US insurance for anything serious.  And/or be prepared to go to Mexico or Guatamala.  Take a backpack and rent in various places for three months at a time to see how you like it. The people are lovely and friendly and you would be a rock star in most places!  Enjoy.


Hey thanks a lot im gonna try to do something like you are telling me i am thinking of trying to find an area where everything is within walking distance if possible i walk 6 miles a day now for exercise.once again thank you and have a good evening. 
