
ANB Car leasing - Last Payment Mode


Dear All,
By last month, Aug '15 i finished all EMI's  successfully. Now this month my last payment is due to pay, as the agent in Aqariya building branch said that, the mode of payment will be the same for last payment as well. As i paid all the EMI's through sadad, last payment should reflect on sadad but its still ZERO. I try to call customer care no one responding when i select english option even after waiting for 15 min on call for several times.
My question is "What will be mode of payment for LAST PAYMENT"???

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It can be SADAD/branch payment.

They had dedicated Auto Loans office on Olaya street (opp Saudi Hollandi Bank atm b/w Arouba and Mousa Bin Naseer road. Just visit them and tell them you want to transfer the car in your name. They'll tell you the checklist to complete and come back. You have to go there soon, and you can start with the process now.


I financed my car from ANB too and made the final payment with a credit card. It normally reflects next day. This has been discussed previously. Please search in forums.


thank you, i will wait for 1 more day....