
Am I legally married!?


Hi, I married an Egyptian in Cairo in 2008 and we divorced in the Egyptian Embassy London in 2011. I've recently discovered that the divorce isn't valid but a mutual friend has told me that the woman that he left me for when he got his visa for the UK may have married him 3months before we you know what status this gives my marriage in the UK and how I would prove this? Thanks!

See also

Traveling to Egyptcan he still be marriedDivorce In Egypt!!How to get Residence in EgyptResidence permit

This is hardly the place to ask such a question. For legal matters as this, I suggest you find a barrister.


samiraminetti wrote:

This is hardly the place to ask such a question. For legal matters as this, I suggest you find a barrister.

Well said samiraminetti, there are just some things in life that one only should seek out professionals. A complex legal matter is one of them. Nothing substitutes the assistance of an experienced lawyer in matters involving family law, there is just too much at stake.

Expat-blog Experts Team


U didn't divorce in Egypt?


did you solve your issue ?


I am salah hosny .I am a lawyer here in Cairo and I would like to help you for free. If u didn't solve the issue yet.

Moderated by Julien 9 years ago
Reason : for your own safety, please exchange your contact details in private

I have approached several family and immigration lawyers where I live and they are all confused. I have been able to reach any Egypt Ian lawyers yet...


We divorced in the embassy here not realising it has no legal standing in England.


I have approached some lawyers but they seem stumped...This is an odd situation. They advise me to file for divorce but I have no proof of marriage as the embassy took the certificates and I really really don't want any more contact with my ex as he is violent and vindictive.


I agree with samiraminetti but if the UK don't recognize your marriage why you should have all the trouble?
Or your marriage is valid in the UK but your divorce not?


I'm sorry to say this, but this is ridiculous! If one or more barristers can't help you, I respectfully suggest you keep looking until you find one that does, simple.

Again: this is not the place to ask such a question.


Hi S
I saw ur message on here and was wondering if u are able to give me some advice.  I marryed a egyptian in 2009 ofi but so many people are telling me diffrent stories   We went to a lawyer friend of the family got a white paper 2 wks later a green one,but didt get it regesterd in the court in luxor as far as I know, after a lot of beating me up ect I went home n left everything.  4 yrs later I went bk to see a friend he saw me god knows how n beat me up in the middle of the street braking my arm in a few places n my nose.the police wouldt do anything as whatever he told them they walked away.he told me that he would never divorce me n would kill me if I went back to luxor.  Many people have said ofi marriage are nothing others said they are,   My question is im i marryed or not can I divorce him without his say so.  I live back in England now,and over the yrs met someone else n we plan to marry the thing is he is also Egyptian lives no where near luxor which is good but if one day he wants to return to egypt are we going to be safe,n can we marry in Egypt but proper through the embassy's


Because the marriage was in Cairo it is valid. The divorce isn't as it was in the London Embassy....I've contacted a lawyer in Egypt to get it registered in the court there making it legal here (hopefully!)


No my ex moved here after we married and then cheated on me after getting ILR. We divorced in the embassy at his suggestion as we both thought it made sense because we married in a Egypt.


Contact the embassy with any papers you have to see if it was Urfi as that doesn't have legal standing.