
Web design in Mauritius


Hi all,

I am English, currently living in Canada and considering a move to Mauritius. I have heard it's a beautiful country, and I am hoping I might be able to move there next year.

I work in internet marketing - building websites, optimizing them for search engines, developing ecommerce websites and things like that. Does anyone know of any marketing companies in Mauritius? Am I right in thinking that they will most likely be in Port Louis? I am hoping to live in the North (have had my fill of city living in Toronto!)

I have worked in this industry both on a self employed basis and working for a company - so even if I couldn't find work at a company I could probably go the self employed occupation permit route. Can anyone tell me what the "feel" is for an industry like web design in Mauritius? I've heard that it's very advanced from an IT standpoint - are all of you expats out there on super fast internet connections? :)

See also

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Hi Stever

Unfortunately, we're not on super speed yet:/. As regards the web design/SEO/E marketing etc.. you'll have quite a few companies here. Some of them might even allow you to work from home.

PM me if you need more info!;)


Dear Sir/Madam

We are Indian based web design company aiming to produce Professional, creative, easily navigated websites. We are looking for marketing consultants /online marketing managers who can add value to companies growth with thier skills. The assignment can be completed by working fulltime/part time from home as well.Please reply to sandeep at lukasa-consult dot com


edamanat > you are completely off topic :/

stever > you can send me a CV at julien[at]expat-blog[dot]com , we never know ...


OK thanks for the info guys!

Julien - will do - actually just in the middle of launching a website so have my hands full, but let me update it and I'll send it over.

By the way guys, anyone know when the private message restriction on new users is lifted? A few folks have been kind enough to send me PMs already and I don't want to seem rude by ignoring them!


stever wrote:

I've heard that it's very advanced from an IT standpoint - are all of you expats out there on super fast internet connections? :)

No not super fast, but given the context (island nation, 1m population, etc), it could be worse.  It will improve. It's probably enough to get your work done, but not enough that you'll be streaming HD movies and playing on XBox Live at the same time. Orange Mauritius and Emtel are the two dominant providers.


Hi Stever,

The island is pretty saturated with expat web developers as well as a large number of locals who offer the same services.  I know a number of expats that have set up their own web businesses and they all have to have secondary sources of income as their web business is pretty erratic.

I wouldn't count on coming here and making a living targeting the local market either as local companies for the most part do not see the value of the services you can provide and will quite often just go to the lowest price on offer regardless of the quality and / or credentials of the person doing the work.   I hear talented expat developers complain about this all the time.

Unless you have a job offer in hand ahead of time to work for some company on the island that will provide a salary that covers the work permit requirements, I'd be hesitant to hop on a plane with just a hope and a dream.  If you can maintain your clients overseas and/or continue to pick up new overseas clients charging the going rates in North America, Europe, etc as well as trying to make a name for yourself locally in Mauritius then that would be great. 

Otherwise, be sure to do some market research and make sure you know what you are getting yourself in to.  Mauritius is a great place to live and work, but there are a lot of people that have the same thoughts as you and have just arrived thinking it will happen just by showing up which is not the case.

If you want, I can put you in touch with some marketing and web development companies.  Send me a private message if so and I'll connect you.

Good luck!