How to find a sincere caretaker of the house in Cagayan de Oro

I have a vacation home in Cagayan de Oro and I am trying to sell it very hard, but face difficulties to get any buyer.

There are many reasons for that. In order to protect the property I hire 2 caretakers who can guard the house all 24 hrs. I also use them to water the plants which takes maximum 30-40 minutes per day.

One caretaker must always stay in the house all 24 hrs. There is almost no other work except their own work of cleaning their own accommodation.

Earlier I paid them 5000 to 8000 pesos a month to every caretaker, free accommodation, free water and free electricity, but they all lock the door and don't stay in the house in my abscence.

Before going out, they also switch off the main electricity switch so that hard disk of CCTV cameras stops recording.

That way they think that I can't find out that house was unguarded. They can be out of the house for some hours to many days because I registered it on some occasions when I went there unexpectedly.

Thereby they create more problems for me as nothing is recorded in case of burglary. Once I thought that high salary could give me sincere workers, but there is no difference whether I pay them 5000 or 8000 pesos a month.

I have also used an agency from Manila to get caretakers and I paid 13000 pesos a month to each caretaker, but I faced the same problem.

Can anybody tell me a better way to find an honest caretaker in Cagayan de Oro?

I have no relatives or other friends in Philippines who can help me. If I make friends they also cheat.

Even workers through agencies do the same ting and agency doesn't take any responsibility.

How can I solve the problem and what are my rights against agencies in case workers hired through them don't guard my house properly and there is a burglary?


Perhaps you can try a security agency. Maybe they can work out something for you, like a security guard who can do occasional dusting, sweeping and gardening / weeding. It's going to be more expensive though than a caretaker.

Wow! I just spent 10 months looking for a reasonably priced house in Upper Carmen CDO with no luck before giving up and moving on to Davao. If you don't mind me asking where is your house located?

My house is in Nazareth, and due to New family situation (divorce) it is only used as a vacation home by me. I am in a process to sell it off, but it is not all that easy. So until that time I want 2 caretakers to stay in one room and guard it properly all 24 hrs. They can stay together or change their duties every alternate week or alternate days. There is practically no other work than to water the garden and remove dead leaves that may have fallen down on the drive way. But I expect to get some help in household work when I am there in the house.

I see. Is there a flooding problem where your house is?

No..i never had any flood problem.

Get a retired expat to house sit for you they live for free while taking care of yr house

Greetings! I am sorry to hear of your predicament and I find it quite shameful to learn about the malpractices of my co-Filipinos. I am actually looking for a similar job but Cagayan de Oro is much too far from me because I reside in Metro Manila. Should you need an assistant to be based in Metro Manila, please consider me.

I am Rose Cohamco, a retired employee who is looking for a job as an all-around assistant. I can cook, do the marketing, drive, and clean the house. I can read, compose and answer your emails for you since I write grammatically-correct Engish. Should you be interested in my services, please email me at: ***. I can make myself available for your interview during office hours.

Hoping for a favorable response to this message. Thank you and good day!

Moderated by Priscilla 8 years ago
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dinky2408 wrote:

Get a retired expat to house sit for you they live for free while taking care of yr house

Try to market your house to prospective or current expats. Most foreigner owned houses are more money than a Filipino can afford. I know, been trying to sell my slice of paradise for a year, (8.5 million)

Other than that, I think many expats would caretake for free. But beware, you don't have assurance that even an expat is trustworthy or reliable. … e-oro.html

I am from UK and know a very reliable lady in real estate in CDO who has worked overseas in Dubai and Germany. Speaks good English. If you wish to sell your house she will assist you with honesty and integrity. The Lady is an associate of several developers in CDO but also deals with individual properties such as yours. She can arrange security for your house at reasonable cost. If you wish to contact me directly off line please send email. Kind regards Keith

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I am interested to get my house sold. Please email me at:**

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@Keith > you should recommend her in our business directory.

Please note that free advertisement is not allowed on the forum.

Thank you.

Moderated by Bhavna 8 years ago
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would 2 women or a couple suffice? I think women command less. Pm me if you want people or a good real-estate agent...

Hi there
Maybe we can help eachother, I am looking for a house to stay for me and my philippine gf, I can live there and take care your house

what do you think?

best regards


Moderated by kenjee 8 years ago
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Hi Sir,
I have read the problem you posted here and I feel so shame and sorry about those Filipino caretakers you hired.
I care to send you this message because if it's Okey for you I can apply to be your caretaker and I can get my son or nephew as my company as well to do everything in the house while you are away and even if you are having holidays here in Philippines...
By the way I'm Rosy Untal Magbanua from Western Visayas, 50 years old and worked as domestic helper in Hong Kong for almost 6years with a New Zealander family. I went back home here in Philippines coz my boss went divorce and I decided not to go back after my eldest son finished college. Now I want to have a job again as life here is different being jobless...
Hope to hear from you soon Sir.
Thank you and best regards

I can send some legal details, NBI Clearance, and some reference letter from my previous employer in Hong Kong if you adviced me to.
I can't be a perfect maybe but as God fearing person I will do my best to manage the property you said.
Sincerely yours,
Rosy Untal Magbanua

Yes iits so hard to find trusted people  but  there are also someone that can be trusted I hope you can I I'm an household agent  some of my applicants are  highly recommended to me of some of my friends..let me help solve your worries..
         Thank you have a wonderful  day

Hello everyone,

@Rosy: If you are looking for a job, I invite you to post an ad in the Jobs in Cagayan de Oro. This section enable you to choose the category of job you are looking for and will be helpful in your job search.

@amsmaidresources: Please avoid free advertising on the public forum. Feel free to register in the Cagayan de Oro business directory.

Thank You,
Best Regards,

sir may i know if exactly on cdo is your property maybe i can help you with that...

Hi  Sir ,madam,
I'm Ana  ,I'm here  in  Malaysia  but  I'm going  back  for  good  if your  giving  me  the  job  to take care  of your  house, I'm from  Cagayan  DE  oro  city .Willing  to go back  but  I need  a job, I'm certified  caregiver  here  in Malaysia  but  planning  to stop  working  next  month  and  going  back  to Cagayan  DE  oro. If you  haven't  found  anyone  to care  your  house  I'm willing  to do  it  if you  may.

Right now I already have 2 caretakers. By the way, when do u want to og back to CDO?

I'm going  back  next  month, I really  appreciate  if at least  I go  back  and  I got  something  to do. If you  consider, I will  make  sure  to take care  of your  property  nicely. Hope  you  consider. Thanks  and  let  me  know  soon  as  you  received  this. Thanks

Let  me  know  as  soon  as  you  get  this  message, I know  Nazareth  ,I got  a lot  of relatives  nearby. I will  be  the  happiest  person  if  I get  this  job  and  go  back  to Cagayan  DE  oro  for  good, if your  there  too  I can  take care  of you  in  the  sense  that  I know  how  to cook  Indian  food. Sir, hope  you  consider  and  I can  help  you  find  a buyer  too.I will  make  sure  you  don't  have  a problem. I promise  you  that. Hope  I can  contact  you  anyway  but  this  site  you  can't  post  contacts. Let  me  know  how. Take care.


Hi! I'm from cdo and currently looking for a house to live in nazareth since my daughter's school is nearby. Found your post but i doubt if i can afford to pay. But thinking my husband and i will be willing to live and take care of your house together with our 3kids while you are away. Assurance i can only give is that we will take care of it as if our own. If you think i can be of help pls contact me at *** or email me

Moderated by Priscilla 8 years ago
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Thanks for ur message. But my house is already been given to someone else. Take care and good luck.

Hi there

Any luck in selling your house?

No worries Sir. Thank you for your response.

I am still trying to sell my exclusive house in CDO.

PM me the details and a picture.

Good news I am looking for a good real estate agent or broker in CDO. Can you forward such contact info? Thanks, George

Good morning
I live in CDO and take care of a house garden and dog here in CDO for 6 months of the year while the owners are away abroad.
I don't live at the house but they also have cctv plus the dog.
i visit 2 x daily.

Just rent to a foreigner.

@MrNorway Good day mam! Me and my husband need a work for house caretaker. We are trusted and honest and hard working couples for house care taker. We follow all regulations of the employer. Here my contact # 0915-710-7385 thank you and God bless you...

@ Orlando Lucas. . . . .This post is six 1/2 years old. You're late to the party

A reminder of the sheer unadulterated pleasure of owning property in the Philippines..



Moderated by Bhavna 3 months ago
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