
OCN US Embassy Nov 30

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Open Community Night (OCN) at US Embassy on Nov 30th (Tues).  150 SR.  Think open to all and starts at 7-ish.

See also

Living in Riyadh: the expat guideLooking for a Compound in Riyadh for ExpatsFake hit and run caseI want to resign in my probation but I've given transfer to employer.Marathi in Riyadh , Saudi Arabia

Could you please confirm if it really is open to all???


Got more info.
Unlike most functions, a US Cit can invite multiple peeps to this event as long as a photocopy of the picture passport of each individual is provided when purchasing the ticket(s).  In addition, other embassy peeps can attend with a guest (when I was there today to get my ticket, a french diplomat got a ticket for himself and his lebaneese girlfriend). 

I understand it is a dinner buffet/mixer from 6-10Pm on the 30th of Nov (a Tues night).  Cost 150SR.  Tickets available at the Lolipop shop at the rear entrance to the US Embassy.



CivEngr wrote:

Got more info.
Unlike most functions, a US Cit can invite multiple peeps to this event as long as a photocopy of the picture passport of each individual is provided when purchasing the ticket(s).  In addition, other embassy peeps can attend with a guest (when I was there today to get my ticket, a french diplomat got a ticket for himself and his lebaneese girlfriend). 

I understand it is a dinner buffet/mixer from 6-10Pm on the 30th of Nov (a Tues night).  Cost 150SR.  Tickets available at the Lolipop shop at the rear entrance to the US Embassy.


WOW, I wish I have some one who can get me in..........


Just picked up 2 tix for some fellow bloggers.  Still have about 100 tix left so still time.

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