You can easily get a landline by calling IPKO or going into the main office on mother Terese.
With that IPKO is who I use for mobile
An average monthly bill. That is the tricky part. Need to examine a few things. Electricity in the summer cost me 16e. That was the lowest. This past winter we used the central heating and that was a big mistake. Best bet is to abandon the central and use the plug in ones. You'll save a bundle. With a basic plan for cable, internet, and landline you can expect to pay 20e. Last winter the average budget for 2 of us was around 600. No that was not staying home and doing nothing. That was going out every weekend and sometimes mid week. That was tracked by me so I know. But if you don't eat out at all or go out, you could probably pull it off with 450. Mind you, I own my own place so I don't pay rent.