
My Car is ruined but Muroor and Najam won't write me a report


I was with my family driving out of the Red Sea Mall Jeddah Car Parking when a metal object hit my car roof. They have additional parking construction going on. At first I didn't realise what has happened but when I did I called Muroor straight away. This was 11 at night on Thursday. I asked my friends to take my family home and come back. By the time we were able to find some one who speaks arabic and can explain the situation to Muroor it was I think past 12:00 AM. Any ways the Maroor guy came saw the incident and said he can not write the report and we need to call Tafal Madni (Fire department). We called them and they said they cant do any thing and we need to call Najam. We called Najum and they told us they have dispatched some one to our location. He took more than 1 hour and around 3 AM he reached Red Sea Mall. Once reached he saw and said call Tafal Madni. He took pictures for his official use I guess and left. It was so late we left the place and on Friday I went to another friends place, who could speak arabic to call the Fire department again, but they said it has nothing to do with them and to call Najum. So I wait for Sunday, to go to my insurance company hoping they can help me out, but as per the rules they can not file any claim without the report. And again guess what, they asked me to call Fire dept. So through some one I called them again, and same response call Najum. So last try we called Najum again, and after explaining the whole situation, the lady put us on hold for 10 minutes, came back on the line, (May be some other one this time) and asked whats the problem. So explained the situation to her again, and she as expected said call tafal madni, and at the end of the conversation said I am too busy don't call again.
So I can't get my car fixed. I don't have the slightest clue what to do or where to do. I hope some can come up with a solution, the damage is too much and I only bought this car 2 months back, so it hurts even more.

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Sorry dude, this kind of case is referred to fire department, Najm can't do anything about it.

What kind of damage is it ? is the construction being done by red sea mall ? have you tried contacting them about it ?


I havn't tried contacting Red sea mall, and even if I do, at this point I don't have any proof because at that moment no one wrote me a report. Plus even if i do some how notify the concerned person, I don't think he will accommodate me with anything and will ask me to file the report and claim the insurance. Fire department is just bluntly saying NO and asking to call Najum as it has nothing to do with them. This is so ridiculous. :(


Damage is pretty Bad, its not so big, but the roof and the back door where they meet that part area at a specifc point is damaged. I don't even think its fixable and the whole frame might have to be changed. Way out of my pocket reach. Plus if I go to audi the quotation they will make me would be sky high.

Salman Omrani

Hello Moghees,

it looks like you got yourself in a pinch huh? normally you should "ALWAYS" document a case like this if you plan to leave the scene of the accident, at least take pictures. i hope you did, if you didn't, then I suggest you take the car back to the location of the accident, recreate the scene and take pictures. print them out and head out to the nearest Traffic department.

make sure you have someone who can translate "well" from your company or a friend, make sure it's someone you know who cares for you too, it will help. explain the situation to the Traffic departments head Officer (mudeer almuroor) and ask for guidance, if he doesn't give a good solution, ask him to at least make a report on the incident so you can reclaim the damages from the insurance.

i hope this helps. but a note to everyone, please never leave a scene of the accident without properly documenting it.



Contact a good local lawyer and ask him/her to send an Extrajudicial Notification to the construction contractor, the Red Sea Mall administration, and to your insurer advising them of what happened, and that you intend to bring on a civil action naming all of them as co-defendants.

I sincerely hope that you took photographs of the damage at the time, this is essential in the event of any accident, anywhere in the world.

Guaranteed, if they're threatened with a lawsuit for the damage somebody will contact you quickly to try and resolve the issue.

Expat-blog Experts Team


Taking pictures of the scene is extremely important and welcome to Majikal Kingdom. "its not my responsibility" is one of the most common answer I am sure you had already introduced to by now.
You should have report this to consideration of Red Sea Mall administration, atleast for the safety of others, it would be pretty bad if that thing had fallen on someone head.
You only option as stated by our brother Salman Omrani to go to Traffic department again and excellent advice of not leaving the scene without documenting it. Hope things get easier for you.