
Clinic or hospital for pregnancy follow up in Saigon

Joanne Cheng

Hi, I'm from Malaysia and I just got pregnant with my second baby. As I just moved to HCMC, desperately seeking for advice for any good clinic or hospital for pregnancy check up. I'm staying in district 2, any recommendation?
Thanks in advance!

See also

The healthcare system in VietnamPregnancy in VietnamHealth insurance in VietnamAccidents and emergencies in VietnamMental health support

You can go to City International Hospital (CIH), some of my friends and my students gave birth their babies there. Not too expensive like other international hospital for foreigners. Here is the number of the hospital, you can call to check out more. 086 280 3333

Joanne Cheng

Hi, thank you so much for your recommendation. Will go check out. Anyway, I'm planning to do the follow up check here and most probably deliver back in Malaysia😃


Phu San Quoc Te Saigon. I think English name is Saigon International hospital? They specialize in maternity. I did both pre and post checkup for my baby there.

Initially I did post check-up at Hung Vuong because my wife delivered there. They did quick check-up and hate you asking questions. I felt something was wrong with my daughter's beathing so we went to Phu San Quoc Te the next day for our baby's checkup and they kept egging us on to ask questions. Any concerns we had were all answered.

It ended up my baby had lots of snots so they shot water down her nostril. She was wailing painful to hear. But now she can sleep soundly.

Joanne Cheng

Thank you so much for the info. It is really useful for me😃

Old Saigon Hand

Columbia Asia has a hospital in HCM which is part of an Asian chain. I have used them a few times in Malaysia and found them to be exceptional - modern, clean, well equipped/staffed and the prices reasonable. Check them out at

They have three locations in Saigon with the nearest to you being at 08 Alexandre de Rhodes, Dist.1


Go to Hanh Phuc Hospital
97 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai , D1